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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, M, N, S and 2T

ANTISMUTantismut adj. (Informal) Opposed to obscenity or pornography.
ANTISMUT adj. opposed to pornography.
CATMINTScatmints n. Plural of catmint.
CATMINT n. an aromatic herb, also CATNIP.
IMITANTSimitants n. Plural of imitant.
IMITANT n. an imitation.
MANTLETSmantlets n. Plural of mantlet.
MANTLET n. a mobile screen used to protect soldiers, also MANTELET.
MATTINGSmattings n. Plural of matting.
MATTING n. a woven fabric used as a floor covering.
MONTANTSmontants n. Plural of montant.
MONTANT n. (French) a vertical member in framing, also MONTANTO.
NESTMATEnestmate n. One with which a nest is shared, such as a baby bird and its siblings or figuratively a child with children…
NESTMATE n. a bird sharing a nest with another.
NUTMEATSnutmeats n. Plural of nutmeat.
NUTMEAT n. the edible kernel of a nut.
OTTOMANSottomans n. Plural of ottoman.
Ottomans n. Plural of Ottoman.
OTTOMAN n. (Turkish) a low, stuffed seat.
STUNTMANstuntman n. In films, someone who performs stunts that are deemed too dangerous or physically difficult for the…
stunt␣man n. Alternative form of stuntman.
STUNTMAN n. a stand-in for dangerous feats.
TANTRISMtantrism n. Tantric beliefs and practices generally.
TANTRISM n. a school of Buddhism incorporating Hindu and pagan elements.
TANTRUMStantrums n. Plural of tantrum.
TANTRUM n. a fit of rage.
TITANISMtitanism n. Nonconformism; rebellion against prevailing social and artistic conventions, especially when it involves…
TITANISM n. a spirit of revolt or defiance against social conventions.
TRANSMITtransmit v. (Transitive) To send or convey something from one person, place or thing to another.
transmit v. (Transitive) To spread or pass on something such as a disease or a signal.
transmit v. (Transitive) To impart, convey or hand down something by inheritance or heredity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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