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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, M, N, O, T and Y

ANTIMONYantimony n. A chemical element (symbol Sb, from Latin stibium) with an atomic number of 51: a lustrous gray metalloid.
antimony n. The alloy stibnite.
ANTIMONY n. a brittle, bluish-white metallic element.
ANTINOMYantinomy n. (Archaic) A contradiction within a law, or between different laws; also, a contradiction between authorities.
antinomy n. (By extension) Any contradiction or paradox.
ANTINOMY n. a conflict of authority.
ANTONYMSantonyms n. Plural of antonym.
ANTONYM n. a word opposite in meaning to another.
ANTONYMYantonymy n. (Semantics) The semantic relation between antonyms; the quality of being antonymous.
ANTONYMY n. the state of being an antonym.
AUTONOMYautonomy n. (Uncountable) The right or condition of self-government; freedom to act or function independently.
autonomy n. (Government, countable) A self-governing country or region.
autonomy n. (Philosophy, uncountable) The capacity to make an informed, uncoerced decision.
AUTONYMSautonyms n. Plural of autonym.
AUTONYM n. an author's real name.
BOTHYMANbothyman n. (Historical) A laborer living in a bothy.
BOTHYMAN n. one who lives in a bothy.
MATRONLYmatronly adj. In the capacity of a matron; serving as a housekeeper or head nurse.
matronly adj. Exuding the authority, wisdom, power, and intelligence of an experienced woman.
matronly adj. Having the appearance of a mature woman, often of larger physical stature and somewhat unkempt or dowdy.
MINATORYminatory adj. Threatening, menacing.
MINATORY adj. menacing, also MINATORIAL.
MONETARYmonetary adj. Of, pertaining to, or consisting of money.
MONETARY adj. pertaining to money.
MYOTONIAmyotonia n. A symptom of several muscular disorders characterized by the slow relaxation of the muscles after voluntary…
MYOTONIA n. muscular spasm or rigidity.
PHANTOMYphantomy adj. Ghostly.
PHANTOMY adj. relating to a phantom.
STRAMONYstramony n. (Botany) stramonium.
STRAMONY n. thorn apple, and its leaves used in medicine, also STRAMONIUM.
TAUTONYMtautonym n. (Biology) A binomial name consisting of the same word twice, such as Bison bison.
tautonym n. (Linguistics) A word or term made from two identical parts or syllables, such as bonbon or dada.
tautonym n. Absolute synonym.
TAXONOMYtaxonomy n. The science or the technique used to make a classification.
taxonomy n. A classification; especially, a classification in a hierarchical system.
taxonomy n. (Taxonomy, uncountable) The science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms.
TOYWOMANtoywoman n. (Dated) A female seller of toys.
TOYWOMAN n. a woman who sells toys.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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