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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing A, 2M, N, O and R

GAMMONERgammoner n. (Slang, archaic) A thief’s accomplice who distracts the victim while the thief steals.
GAMMONER n. one who misleads by deceptive talk.
MANIFORMmaniform adj. Having the form of a hand.
MANIFORM adj. having the form of a hand.
MONOGRAMmonogram n. (Obsolete) A picture drawn in line only, before the colour and/or shading is applied; an outline sketch.
monogram n. (Obsolete, rare) A sentence consisting of only one line, or an epigram consisting of only one verse, of poetry.
monogram n. A design or motif composed of one or more letters, often intertwined, used as an identifying mark of…
MONOMARKmonomark n. (UK, historical) A short alphanumeric sequence used in place of a postal address.
MONOMARK n. a particular combination of letters, figures etc. as a mark of identification.
MORTMAINmortmain n. (Law) The perpetual, inalienable possession of lands by a corporation or non-personal entity such as a church.
mortmain n. (Literary) A strong and inalienable possession.
MORTMAIN n. (French) the perpetual ownership of property by institutions such as churches.
MOTORMANmotorman n. (Dated) A man who controls a motor.
motorman n. A person who operates a motor vehicle.
motorman n. (India) A train driver.
NOMOGRAMnomogram n. (Mathematics) A diagram in which the relationship between three variables is represented by a straight…
nomogram v. (Transitive) To represent as a nomogram.
NOMOGRAM n. a chart or diagram of scaled lines or curves used to assist in mathematical calculations, also NOMOGRAPH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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