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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, L, P, 2S and Y

CALYPSOScalypsos n. Plural of calypso.
CALYPSO n. a West Indian ballad dealing with topical events.
COSPLAYScosplays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cosplay.
COSPLAY n. the practice of dressing up as a fictional character to attend social events.
DISPLAYSdisplays n. Plural of display.
displays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of display.
DISPLAY v. to put on show.
FLYPASTSflypasts n. Plural of flypast.
FLYPAST n. a flight, at low altitude or close range, also FLYBY.
MISPLAYSmisplays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misplay.
MISPLAY v. to make a bad play in a game.
PAISLEYSpaisleys n. Plural of paisley.
Paisleys prop.n. Plural of Paisley.
PAISLEY n. a woollen or other fabric with a pattern resembling Paisley pattern.
PARSLEYSparsleys n. Plural of parsley.
Parsleys prop.n. Plural of Parsley.
PARSLEY n. a cultivated herb.
PASSABLYpassably adv. In a passable fashion; moderately; adequately.
PASSABLE adv. fairly good or acceptable.
PASSIBLYpassibly adv. In a passible fashion, able to suffer or feel pain.
PASSIBLE adv. capable of feeling.
PAYLISTSPAYLIST n. a list of people entitled to receive pay, with the amounts due to each.
PAYSLIPSpayslips n. Plural of payslip.
pay␣slips n. Plural of pay slip.
PAYSLIP n. a note indicating the breakdown of wages.
PHYSALISphysalis n. Any plant of the genus Physalis.
physalis n. The fruit of such a plant, a yellow-orange berry, typically firm in texture with a mild, refreshing acidity.
physalis n. Bladder.
PLAYLESSplayless adj. Devoid of play (recreational activities).
playless adj. Without plays (theatrical works).
PLAYLESS adj. lacking playfulness.
PLAYSETSplaysets n. Plural of playset.
PLAYSET n. an outdoor apparatus having equipment for children's activities.
SLIPWAYSslipways n. Plural of slipway.
SLIPWAY n. a ramp sloping into water for supporting a ship.
SPARSELYsparsely adv. In a scattered or sparse manner; widely apart; thinly.
SPARSE adv. thinly distributed.
SPYGLASSspyglass n. A small portable telescope.
spyglass n. (Uncommon, regional) A pair of binoculars.
SPYGLASS n. a small telescope.
SYMPLASTsymplast n. (Biology) The inner side of the plasma membrane of a plant in which water can freely diffuse.
SYMPLAST n. the continuous network of protoplasts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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