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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, L, O, P and 2T

FLATTOPSflattops n. Plural of flattop.
flat-tops n. Plural of flat-top.
flat␣tops n. Plural of flat top.
HOTPLATEhotplate n. A semi-portable stove.
hotplate n. The element of a stove.
hotplate n. A low-powered heating device for keeping food warm.
METAPLOTmetaplot n. (Role-playing games) The overarching storyline that binds together events in a role-playing game.
metaplot n. Plural of metapelet.
METAPELET n. (Hebrew) a woman acting as foster mother in a kibbutz.
OUTLEAPToutleapt v. Simple past tense and past participle of outleap.
OUTLEAP v. to surpass in leaping.
PALETOTSpaletots n. Plural of paletot.
paletôts n. Plural of paletôt.
PALETOT n. (French) a loose overcoat.
PALMETTOpalmetto n. Any of various fan palms of the family Arecaceae, especially Sabal palmetto or the saw palmetto, Serenoa repens.
palmetto n. A hat made of palmetto leaves.
palmetto n. A native or resident of the US state of South Carolina.
PLOTTAGEplottage n. The increase in value of land achieved by parcelling smaller plots into a developable unit.
PLOTTAGE n. the size or value of a specified piece of land, regarded in terms of the area accumulated from its constituent plots.
PORTLASTportlast n. (Nautical) The portoise.
PORTLAST n. (obsolete) the gunwale of a ship, also PORTOISE.
POTLATCHpotlatch n. (Canada, US, also figuratively) A ceremony amongst certain indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest…
potlatch n. (US, chiefly Alaska) A communal meal to which guests bring dishes to share; a potluck.
potlatch v. (Transitive) To give; especially, to give as a gift during a potlatch ceremony.
POTTABLEpottable adj. (Billiards, snooker) In billiards, pool, or snooker: able to be potted.
pottable adj. (Horticulture) Suitable for planting in a pot.
POTTABLE adj. capable of being potted.
TABLETOPtabletop n. (Furniture) The flat, horizontal upper surface of a table.
tabletop n. (Skateboarding) A fixed item resembling a table, used for performing skateboarding tricks.
tabletop n. (Photography, advertising) A photograph of an object or product placed on a table.
TALIPOTStalipots n. Plural of talipot.
TALIPOT n. (Sinhalese) a very tall southern Indian fan palm with enormous leaves which are used as sunshades etc., also TALIPAT.
TOEPLATEtoeplate n. A metal plate used to strengthen the front portion of the sole of a shoe.
TOEPLATE n. a metal tab attached to the tip of a shoe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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