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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, L, 2O, P and S

ALCOPOPSalcopops n. Plural of alcopop.
ALCOPOP n. a drink containing alcohol but packaged and tasting like a soft drink.
CARPOOLScarpools n. Plural of carpool.
carpools v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carpool.
CARPOOL v. to take turns driving a group of commuters.
FOOLSCAPfoolscap n. Alternative form of fool’s cap.
foolscap n. (Strictly) Writing paper sheets measuring 13.25 x 16.5 inches.
foolscap n. (More usually) Such a sheet folded or cut in half, thus approximately 8 x 13.25 inches.
GOALPOSTgoalpost n. (Sports) One of the two vertical side poles of a goal.
goalpost n. (Sports, American football) The tall Y-shaped upright, now usually of fiberglass, at either end of the…
goalpost n. A rule or target that is "moved" (changed) unfairly; see move the goalposts.
LAMPOONSlampoons n. Plural of lampoon.
LAMPOON v. to ridicule by personal satire.
OMPHALOSomphalos n. An ancient religious stone artifact, or baetylus, used to denote the direction of the "center" of the world.
omphalos n. The theological proposition that the world was created with certain indicia of a history which had not…
omphalos n. The navel.
PALEOSOLpaleosol n. (Soil science) A layer of fossil soil buried beneath other sediments or deposits.
PALEOSOL n. a buried soil horizon of the geologic past, also PALAEOSOL.
PALOOKASpalookas n. Plural of palooka.
PALOOKA n. a clumsy, inept, or untalented boxer; a stupid, clumsy, or obnoxious person.
PLANOSOLplanosol n. A soil with a light-coloured, coarse-textured surface horizon that shows signs of periodic water stagnation…
PLANOSOL n. a type of soil.
PLATOONSplatoons n. Plural of platoon.
platoons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of platoon.
PLATOON v. in American football, to alternate with another player at the same position.
POBLANOSpoblanos n. Plural of poblano.
Poblanos prop.n. Plural of Poblano.
POBLANO n. a kind of long, wide, dark-green moderately hot chili used esp. in Mexican cooking.
POLARONSpolarons n. Plural of polaron.
POLARON n. a free electron trapped by polarization charges on the surrounding molecules.
POLYOMASpolyomas n. Plural of polyoma.
POLYOMA n. a small DNA virus that causes tumours in mice.
POSTORALpostoral adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind, or posterior to, the mouth.
post-oral adj. (Anatomy) Alternative spelling of postoral.
POSTORAL adj. situated behind the mouth.
PROPOSALproposal n. Something which is proposed, or offered for consideration or acceptance.
PROPOSAL n. something that is proposed.
PROSOMALprosomal adj. Relating to a prosome.
PROSOMAL adj. relating to a prosoma.
VANPOOLSvanpools n. Plural of vanpool.
vanpools v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vanpool.
VANPOOL n. an arrangement whereby several commuters travel in one van.
WHOOPLASwhooplas n. Plural of whoopla.
WHOOPLA n. a noisy commotion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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