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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, L, 2N, T and U

ANNULATEannulate adj. Having an annular form or shape.
annulate adj. (Botany) Describes a fern sporangium that has an annulus.
annulate adj. (Mycology) Describes a mushroom with an annulus on the stipe.
ANNULETSannulets n. Plural of annulet.
ANNULET n. a small ring around a classical column.
INSULANTinsulant n. Any material used to provide insulation.
INSULANT n. an insulating material.
LUMINANTluminant adj. That illuminates; luminous.
luminant n. An illuminating agent.
LUMINANT n. a means of lighting.
LUNANAUTlunanaut n. (Rare) An astronaut who travels to the Moon; a lunarnaut.
LUNANAUT n. an astronaut who has travelled to the moon, also LUNARNAUT.
LUNATIONlunation n. A month of an average of approximately 29.53 days, measured from a lunar phase until the return of that same phase.
lunation n. The irregular period from one new moon until the next.
LUNATION n. a lunar month; the interval between successive new moons.
NONADULTnonadult adj. Not adult.
nonadult n. One who is not an adult.
NONADULT n. a person who is not an adult.
UNDULANTundulant adj. Having the characteristics of a wave; wavelike.
UNDULANT adj. rising and falling in waves, also UNDULAR.
UNINSTALUNINSTAL v. to reverse a previous installation, also UNINSTALL.
UNLEARNTunlearnt v. Simple past tense and past participle of unlearn.
unlearnt adj. Innate, inherent or inborn.
unlearnt adj. Not educated.
UNMANTLEunmantle v. To divest of a mantle; to uncover.
UNMANTLE v. to remove the mantle from.
UNPLIANTunpliant adj. Not pliant.
UNPLIANT adj. not pliant.
UNTANGLEuntangle v. (Transitive) To remove tangles or knots from.
untangle v. (Transitive, by extension, figurative) To remove confusion or mystery from.
UNTANGLE v. to free from tangles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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