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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, L, M, 2S and U

ALYSSUMSalyssums n. Plural of alyssum.
ALYSSUM n. a plant of the Alyssum genus of low-growing, cruciferous plants, also ALISON.
DUALISMSdualisms n. Plural of dualism.
DUALISM n. the doctrine of two distinct principles of good and evil, or of two divine beings of these characters.
GAUMLESSgaumless adj. (Dialectal) Alternative spelling of gormless.
GAUMLESS adj. (Scots) stupid, also GORMLESS.
LACMUSESLACMUS n. a substance that changes colour with acidity, also LITMUS.
MASHLUMSmashlums n. Plural of mashlum.
MASSCULTmasscult n. The modern industrial equivalent of culture, mass-produced and anonymously consumed, without specialization…
MASSCULT n. culture as promoted by the mass media.
MUSICALSmusicals n. Plural of musical.
MUSICAL n. a show punctuated by songs.
SIMULARSsimulars n. Plural of simular.
SIMULAR n. one that simulates, a dissembler.
SOLANUMSsolanums n. Plural of solanum.
SOLANUM n. (Latin) any herbaceous plant of the genus Solanum, including the potato, bittersweet and certain nightshades.
SUNLAMPSsunlamps n. Plural of sunlamp.
sun␣lamps n. Plural of sun lamp.
SUNLAMP n. a lamp that radiates ultraviolet rays.
SURMISALsurmisal n. Surmise.
SURMISAL n. a guess.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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