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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, 2L, O and 2S

AGLOSSALaglossal adj. Having no tongue.
AGLOSSAL adj. having no tongue at birth.
ALLSORTSallsorts n. Liquorice allsorts.
ALLSORTS n. things of various shapes and sizes.
CALLOSEScalloses n. Plural of callose.
CALLOSE n. a part of a plant cell wall.
COALLESScoalless adj. Without coal.
COALLESS adj. without coal.
COLOSSALcolossal adj. Extremely large or on a great scale.
colossal adj. Amazingly spectacular; extraordinary; epic.
COLOSSAL adj. of enormous size.
GAOLLESSgaolless adj. Rare form of jailless.
GAOLLESS adj. having no gaol, also JAILLESS.
GOALLESSgoalless adj. Devoid of goals; ambitionless.
goalless adj. (Sports) Without goals; in which no goals have been scored; having scored no goals.
GOALLESS adj. having no goal.
LASSLORNlasslorn adj. (Obsolete) Forsaken by one’s lass or mistress.
LASSLORN adj. (Shakespeare) forsaken by one's mistress.
LATOSOLSlatosols n. Plural of latosol.
LATOSOL n. a tropical soil.
LOAMLESSloamless adj. Without loam.
LOAMLESS adj. having no loam.
LOESSIALloessial adj. (Geology) Of or relating to loess.
LOESSIAL adj. relating to loess, a fine-grained wind deposit of clay, sand, and silt, also LOESSAL, LOESSIC.
ROSELLASrosellas n. Plural of rosella.
ROSELLA n. an Australian parakeet.
SCALLOPSscallops n. Plural of scallop.
SCALLOP v. to indent like a scallop, also ESCALLOP, SCOLLOP.
SHALLONSshallons n. Plural of shallon.
SHALLON n. an evergreen shrub of NW America, aka salal.
SHALLOPSshallops n. Plural of shallop.
SHALLOP n. a light river boat with sail and oars.
SHALLOTSshallots n. Plural of shallot.
SHALLOT n. an onion with garlic-flavoured bulbs, also ESCHALOT, SHALOT.
SHALLOWSshallows n. Plural of shallow.
shallows n. An area in a large body of water with many shallow areas.
shallows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shallow.
SWALLOWSswallows n. Plural of swallow.
swallows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of swallow.
Swallows prop.n. Plural of Swallow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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