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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, 2L, N, O and T

ANTIROLLantiroll adj. Antisway.
ANTIROLL adj. designed to reduce roll.
ATENOLOLatenolol n. (Pharmacology) A beta blocker used mainly to treat angina and high blood pressure.
ATENOLOL n. a drug used to treat hypertension.
ATONALLYatonally adv. In an atonal manner; without tone.
ATONAL adv. not referring to any scale or tonic.
BALLONETballonet n. Any of several small balloons, inside a dirigible, that can be inflated or deflated to control buoyancy during flight.
BALLONET n. in a balloon or dirigible, a small bag into which air is force or released.
FLATLONGflatlong adv. With the flat side downward; not edgewise.
FLATLONG adv. (Spenser) with a flat side or edge, also FLATLING, FLATLINGS.
ILLATIONillation n. The act of inferring or concluding, especially from a set of premises; a conclusion, a deduction.
ILLATION n. the act of inferring from premises.
SANTALOLsantalol n. (Organic chemistry) Either of a pair of sesquiterpenes found in sandalwood.
SANTALOL n. sandalwood oil.
STALLIONstallion n. An adult male horse.
stallion n. A very virile and sexually-inclined man or (rarely) woman.
STALLION n. an uncastrated male horse.
TOWNHALLtownhall n. Alternative form of town hall.
town␣hall n. A building that houses the local government offices of a town.
town␣hall n. (By extension) The town council.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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