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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, I, R, 2T and U

ALTRUISTaltruist n. A person showing altruism.
ALTRUIST n. one that practices altruism.
ANTIRUSTantirust adj. Alternative spelling of anti-rust.
antirust n. Alternative spelling of anti-rust.
anti-rust adj. Preventing the formation of rust.
GRATUITYgratuity n. An additional payment given freely as thanks for service.
gratuity n. Euphemistic form of fee, in contexts where such additional payments have been made obligatory.
gratuity n. Euphemistic form of bribe.
MATURITYmaturity n. The state of being mature, ready or ripe. prime state of productibility and self expression.
maturity n. When bodily growth has completed and/or reproduction can begin.
maturity n. (Countable, finance, insurance) The state of a debt obligation at the end of the term of maturation…
NATURISTnaturist n. One who follows a philosophical belief in a naked, natural life and prefers to live without clothes…
naturist n. One who believes in the doctrine of naturism, which attributes everything to nature.
naturist adj. Of or relating to naturism, the philosophical belief in a naked, natural life and prefers to live without…
RUTILANTrutilant adj. (Literary or sciences, also figuratively) Shining or glowing with a red colour or light.
RUTILANT adj. having a reddish glow.
STRIATUMstriatum n. (Anatomy) The caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus considered as a single structure.
STRIATUM n. (Latin) part of the forebrain.
TACITURNtaciturn adj. Silent; temperamentally untalkative; disinclined to speak.
TACITURN adj. habitually silent.
TAINTUREtainture n. (Obsolete) Dirtiness; uncleanliness; contamination, tainting.
TAINTURE n. defilement.
TITULARStitulars n. Plural of titular.
TITULAR n. one who has a title, or enjoys a title without possessing the office.
TITULARYtitulary adj. Alternative form of titular.
titulary n. A person invested with a title.
titulary n. The set of titles or names held by a person.
TOURISTATOURISTA n. (Spanish) intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country, also TURISTA.
TURISTASTURISTA n. (Spanish) intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country, also TOURISTA.
TUTORIALtutorial adj. Of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor.
tutorial n. A self-paced learning exercise; a lesson prepared so that a student can learn at their own speed, at…
tutorial n. An interactive class taught by a tutor to students at university or college, individually or in small groups.
ULTRAISTultraist n. One who pushes a principle or measure to extremes.
ULTRAIST n. an advocate of extreme measures, also ULTRA.
URTICANTurticant adj. Causing itching or stinging.
urticant n. Such a substance.
URTICANT n. a substance that causes stinging or itching.
URTICATEurticate v. To have or produce a stinging sensation, as of nettles or urticating hair.
urticate adj. Marked by the presence of wheals.
URTICATE v. to cause to itch or sting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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