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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, I, 2R and 2S

ARRISHESarrishes n. Plural of arrish.
ARRISH n. (dialect) a stubble field, also ARISH.
ASPIRERSaspirers n. Plural of aspirer.
ASPIRER n. one who aspires.
BRASIERSbrasiers n. Plural of brasier.
Brasiers prop.n. Plural of Brasier.
BRASIER n. one who works in brass.
BRASSIERbrassier adj. Comparative form of brassy: more brassy.
BRASSY adj. resembling brass.
CORSAIRScorsairs n. Plural of corsair.
CORSAIR n. (historical) a privateersman of the Mediterranean, esp. the Barbary coast.
GRASSIERgrassier adj. Comparative form of grassy: more grassy.
GRASSY adj. resembling or pertaining to grass.
PRAISERSpraisers n. Plural of praiser.
PRAISER n. one who praises.
REARISESrearises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rearise.
REARISE v. to arise again.
RERAISESreraises n. Plural of reraise.
reraises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reraise.
RERAISE v. to raise again.
RIBGRASSribgrass n. Ribwort; Old World plantain, Plantago lanceolata.
RIBGRASS n. a weedy plant, also RIBWORT.
ROSARIESrosaries n. Plural of rosary.
ROSARY n. a series of prayers in the Roman Catholic Church.
SARRASINsarrasin n. (Obsolete) A portcullis.
SARRASIN n. (French) buckwheat, also SARRAZIN.
SIMARRESsimarres n. Plural of simarre.
SIMARRE n. (French) a loose coat, an undergarment formerly worn by women, also CIMAR, CYMAR, SIMAR, SYMAR.
SISERARYsiserary n. (Obsolete) A severe rebuke or scolding.
siserary n. (Obsolete) A sharp blow.
SISERARY n. a scolding; a blow, also SASARARA, SASSARARA.
STIRRAHSSTIRRAH n. (Scots) a respectful mode of address, also STIRRA.
TARSIERStarsiers n. Plural of tarsier.
TARSIER n. (French) a kind of lemur native to Madagascar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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