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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, I, P, R, T and U

APTERIUMapterium n. (Ornithology) An area of bare (featherless) skin on a bird.
APTERIUM n. a bare patch on a bird's skin.
EUPATRIDEupatrid n. (Historical) In Ancient Greece, a member of the noble Attic landowning class.
Eupatrid adj. (Historical) In Ancient Greece, belonging to the noble Attic landowning class.
EUPATRID n. (Greek) a member of the aristocracy in ancient Greek states.
PAINTUREpainture n. (Obsolete) The art of painting.
painture n. (Obsolete, countable) A painting.
PAINTURE n. the art of painting.
PICTURALpictural n. (Obsolete) A picture.
pictural adj. (Archaic, rare) Pictorial.
PICTURAL n. (Spenser) a picture.
PRATIQUEpratique n. (Nautical) Permission to use a port given to a ship after compliance with quarantine or on conviction…
pratique n. (Obsolete) Practice; habits.
PRATIQUE n. (French) permission granted to a ship to use a port after quarantine or on showing a clean bill of health.
PREAUDITpreaudit adj. Before an audit.
preaudit v. (Transitive) To carry out an audit in advance, before a transaction etc. takes place.
preaudit n. An audit carried out in advance.
PURITANSpuritans n. Plural of puritan.
Puritans n. Plural of Puritan.
PURITAN n. a person who is strictly moral in conduct.
PURTRAIDPOURTRAY v. (Spenser) to portray, also PORTRAY.
STIPULARstipular adj. (Botany) Of, relating to, or constituting a stipule.
STIPULAR adj. of or pertaining to stipules, also STIPULARY.
TRIPUDIAtripudia n. Plural of tripudium.
TRIPUDIUM n. (Latin) an ancient Roman religious dance in triple time.
TROUPIALtroupial n. Any of three South American birds of the genus Icterus.
troupial n. (Formerly) Any bird of the American family Icteridae; an icterid.
TROUPIAL n. any of various American orioles, also TROOPIAL.
ULTRAHIPultrahip adj. Extremely hip.
ULTRAHIP adj. extremely hip.
UPRATINGuprating v. Present participle of uprate.
uprating n. The assignment of a higher rating.
uprating n. An upgrade.
UPSTAIRSupstairs adj. Located on a higher floor or level of a building.
upstairs adj. (Baseball, informal) Pertaining to a pitched ball that is high, and usually outside the strike zone.
upstairs adv. Up the stairs; on a higher floor or level.
UPTRAINSuptrains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uptrain.
UPTRAIN v. (obsolete) to train up, educate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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