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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, I, N, O, T and X

ANATOXINanatoxin n. A bacterial toxin (usually an exotoxin) whose toxicity has been weakened or suppressed.
anatoxin n. A powerful neurotoxin, one of many toxins produced by several species of cyanobacterium.
ANATOXIN n. a potent alkaloid toxin derived from a species of cyanobacteria.
EXACTIONexaction n. The act of demanding with authority, and compelling to pay or yield; compulsion to give or furnish;…
exaction n. Extortion.
exaction n. That which is exacted; a severe tribute; a fee, reward, or contribution, demanded or levied with severity…
FIXATIONfixation n. The act of fixing.
fixation n. The state of being fixed or fixated.
fixation n. The act of uniting chemically with a solid substance or in a solid form; reduction to a non-volatile…
LAXATIONlaxation n. The act of loosening or slackening, or the state of being loosened or slackened.
laxation n. Defecation.
LAXATION n. the act of loosening or slackening.
LUXATIONluxation n. The act of luxating, or the state of being luxated; a dislocation.
LUXATION n. the dislocation of an anatomical part.
OXIDANTSoxidants n. Plural of oxidant.
OXIDANT n. an oxidizing agent.
PAINTBOXpaintbox n. A box used to hold an artist’s paints.
PAINTBOX n. a box containing paints.
SAXONITEsaxonite n. (Mineralogy) Harzburgite, a peridotite consisting mostly of olivine and low-calcium pyroxene.
SAXONITE n. an ultrabasic igneous rock consisting of olivine and enstatite.
TAXATIONtaxation n. The act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed.
taxation n. A particular system of taxing people or companies.
taxation n. The revenue gained from taxes.
TOXICANTtoxicant adj. Capable of causing damage or dysfunction by toxicity; (broadly) poisonous.
toxicant n. A toxic or poisonous substance.
TOXICANT n. a poisonous substance.
TRIAXONStriaxons n. Plural of triaxon.
TRIAXON n. a sponge spicule with three axes, also TRIAXIAL.
VEXATIONvexation n. The act of annoying, vexing, or irritating.
vexation n. The state of being vexed or irritated.
vexation n. Something that vexes or irritates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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