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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, I, L, R, U and V

ACERVULIacervuli n. Plural of acervulus.
ACERVULUS n. (Latin) the spore-producing organ of certain fungi.
AVICULARavicular adj. Of or pertaining to a bird or to birds.
AVICULAR adj. pertaining to birds.
BIOVULARbiovular adj. (Of twins) derived from two separate ova; non-identical or fraternal.
BIOVULAR adj. derived from two ova.
CULTIVARcultivar n. A cultivated (not necessarily botanical) variety of a plant species or hybrid of two species.
CULTIVAR n. a variety of plant originating under cultivation, also CULTIGEN.
CURVITALcurvital adj. Of or relating to curvature.
CURVITAL adj. of curvature.
OUTRIVALoutrival v. (Transitive) To outperform; to outdo.
OUTRIVAL v. to outdo in rivalry.
PULVINARpulvinar n. (Anatomy) A prominence on the posterior part of the thalamus of the human brain.
pulvinar n. (Obsolete) A pillow or cushion.
pulvinar adj. Padded; formed like a cushion.
SUBVIRALsubviral adj. Pertaining to a structural part of a virus.
SUBVIRAL adj. pertaining to a part of a virus.
SURVIVALsurvival n. The fact or act of surviving; continued existence or life.
survival n. (As a modifier) Of, relating to or aiding survival.
survival n. (Sports) The avoidance of relegation or demotion to a lower league or division.
VAULTIERVAULTY adj. (Shakespeare) like a vault.
VELARIUMvelarium n. (Zoology) The marginal membrane of certain medusae belonging to the Discophora.
velarium n. (Historical) An awning that stretched over the seating area of the Colosseum in Ancient Rome and other…
velarium n. A cloth stretched over another space, such as that stretched below the roof of the Royal Albert Hall.
VINCULARvincular adj. (Grammar) connective.
vincular adj. (Mathematics) Relating to a vinculum.
VINCULAR adj. of or like a vinculum, a unifying bond.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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