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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, I, L, N, U and V

ALLUVIONalluvion n. (Law) The increase in the area of land due to the deposition of sediment (alluvium) by a river.
ALLUVION n. (Latin) land gained from the sea by the washing up of sand and earth, also ALLUVIUM.
AVULSINGavulsing v. Present participle of avulse.
AVULSE v. to tear away forcibly.
AVULSIONavulsion n. The loss or separation of a body part, either by surgery or due to trauma.
avulsion n. An abrupt change in the course of a river, typically from one channel to another.
avulsion n. (Hydrology) Movement of soil during a flood, or during a change in the course of a river, especially…
DILUVIANdiluvian adj. Pertaining to a deluge, or flood.
DILUVIAN adj. pertaining to a flood, also DILUVIAL.
INDUVIALinduvial adj. (Botany) Relating to the induviae.
INDUVIAL adj. pertaining to withered leaves.
LAEVULINlaevulin n. Alternative form of levulin.
LAEVULIN n. a sugar occurring in certain plants, also LEVULIN.
NAVICULAnavicula n. (Christianity) A thurible in the shape of a boat.
Navicula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Naviculaceae – boat-shaped algae.
NAVICULA n. (Latin) an incense-holder shaped like a boat.
PLUVIANSpluvians n. Plural of pluvian.
PLUVIAN n. a crocodile bird.
PULVINARpulvinar n. (Anatomy) A prominence on the posterior part of the thalamus of the human brain.
pulvinar n. (Obsolete) A pillow or cushion.
pulvinar adj. Padded; formed like a cushion.
UNIVALVEunivalve adj. Having one valve; typically used to refer to mollusks, notably slugs and snails.
univalve adj. Consisting of a single valve or piece, used to refer to a shell.
univalve n. A univalve mollusk or its shell.
UNIVOCALunivocal adj. Having only one possible meaning.
univocal adj. Containing instances of only one vowel; univocalic.
univocal adj. Having unison of sound, as the octave has in music.
UNVAILEDunvailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unvail.
unvailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unvaile.
UNVAILE v. (obsolete) to unveil, also UNVAIL.
UNVAILESunvailes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unvaile.
UNVAILE v. (obsolete) to unveil, also UNVAIL.
UNVIABLEunviable adj. Not viable: not capable of independent life; not practicable.
UNVIABLE adj. not viable, also INVIABLE.
VAGINULAvaginula n. (Botany) A little sheath, such as that about the base of the pedicel of most mosses.
VAGINULA n. (Latin) a little sheath, also VAGINULE.
VAGINULEvaginule n. Alternative form of vaginula.
VAGINULE n. a little sheath, also VAGINULA.
VAULTINGvaulting n. The practice of constructing vaults, or a particular method of such construction.
vaulting n. A vaulted structure; such structures treated as a group.
vaulting n. The sport of gymnastics and dance routines performed on horseback, and on the longe line.
VINCULARvincular adj. (Grammar) connective.
vincular adj. (Mathematics) Relating to a vinculum.
VINCULAR adj. of or like a vinculum, a unifying bond.
VULCANICvulcanic adj. Alternative spelling of volcanic.
vulcanic adj. Fiery.
Vulcanic adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling the Roman god Vulcan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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