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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, I, L, N, Q and U

ALFAQUINalfaquin n. Alternative form of alfaqui.
ALFAQUIN n. (Arabic) a teacher of Muslim law, also ALFAKI, ALFAQUI.
ALIQUANTaliquant n. (Mathematics, dated) An integer that is less than another, but that does not divide the other integer…
aliquant n. (Chemistry) An aliquot.
aliquant adj. (Mathematics, dated) Less than another specified integer, but not dividing it into integral parts.
AQUILINEaquiline adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of eagles; resembling that of an eagle.
AQUILINE adj. hooked like an eagle's beak.
AQUILONSAQUILON n. (Shakespeare) the north wind.
CALQUINGcalquing v. Present participle of calque.
calquing n. Loan translation.
CALQUE v. to process the tracing of a design.
EQUALINGequaling v. (American spelling) present participle of equal.
EQUAL v. to make equal.
QUAILINGquailing v. Present participle of quail.
quailing n. The act of one who quails, or draws back in fear.
QUAILING n. the act of quailing.
QUAINTLYquaintly adv. In a quaint manner; oddly; strangely.
QUAINT adv. pleasantly odd, also QUEINT.
QUALMINGqualming v. Present participle of qualm.
QUALMING n. the state of having a qualm.
QUANTILEquantile n. (Statistics) One of the class of values of a variate which divides the members of a batch or sample…
QUANTILE n. any of the values of a random variable that divides a frequency distribution.
QUILLMANquillman n. (Archaic) One who writes with a quill.
QUILLMAN n. a clerk.
QUINELASquinelas n. Plural of quinela.
QUINELA n. (Spanish) a bet whereby the bettor must pick first two winners of a race but not necessarily in order, also QUINELLA, QUINIELA.
QUINELLAquinella n. (Gambling, horse racing) A form of bet in which the bettor predicts the first two finishers in a race…
quinella v. (Australia, New Zealand) To have two team members, horses, etc., finish first and second in the same event.
QUINELLA n. (Spanish) a bet whereby the bettor must pick first two winners of a race but not necessarily in order, also QUINELA, QUINIELA.
QUINIELAquiniela n. (Gambling) A kind of bet in which the first- and second-place finishers must be predicted, but (unlike…
QUINIELA n. (Spanish) a bet whereby the bettor must pick first two winners of a race but not necessarily in order, also QUINELA, QUINELLA.
QUINTALSquintals n. Plural of quintal.
Quintals prop.n. Plural of Quintal.
QUINTAL n. (French) an old unit of weight equal to 100 kilograms.
TRANQUILtranquil adj. Free from emotional or mental disturbance.
tranquil adj. Calm; without motion or sound.
TRANQUIL adj. calm, peaceful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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