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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, I, 2L, O and U

ALLODIUMallodium n. (Dated or historical) Freehold land or property; land held in allodial tenure, or one’s title to such land.
ALLODIUM n. (Latin) an estate held in absolute ownership, also ALLOD, ALOD, ALODIUM.
ALLUSIONallusion n. An indirect reference; a hint; a reference to something supposed to be known, but not explicitly mentioned.
ALLUSION n. the act of alluding.
ALLUVIONalluvion n. (Law) The increase in the area of land due to the deposition of sediment (alluvium) by a river.
ALLUVION n. (Latin) land gained from the sea by the washing up of sand and earth, also ALLUVIUM.
CAUDILLOcaudillo n. A leader.
caudillo n. A military dictator, especially one ruling in Spain, Portugal or Latin America.
Caudillo prop.n. A surname.
COLLUVIAcolluvia n. Plural of colluvium.
COLLUVIUM n. (Latin) material which accumulates at the foot of a steep slope.
COQUILLAcoquilla n. The nut of the Brazilian palm Attalea funifera.
COQUILLA n. (Spanish) the nut of the piassava palm, whose mottled dark brown endosperm is used by button-makers and turners.
HALLOUMIhalloumi n. A traditional cheese from Cyprus, made from goat’s and/or sheep’s milk.
HALLOUMI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish of goat's cheese, also HALOUMI.
LODICULAlodicula n. (Botany) Alternative form of lodicule.
LODICULA n. (Latin) a small scale in a grass flower, also LODICULE.
TOQUILLAtoquilla n. The Panama hat palm.
TOQUILLA n. (Spanish) a South American palmlike tree; a fibre obtained from its leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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