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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, I, 2L, N and R

ALLERGINallergin n. Something that provokes an allergic reaction; an allergen.
ALLERGIN n. a substance that induces an allergic reaction, also ALLERGEN.
ALLERIONallerion n. Alternative form of alerion.
ALLERION n. (French) in heraldry, an eagle displayed without feet or beak, also ALERION.
ALLURINGalluring v. Present participle of allure.
alluring n. The action of the verb allure.
alluring adj. Having the power to allure.
ANTIROLLantiroll adj. Antisway.
ANTIROLL adj. designed to reduce roll.
CARILLONcarillon n. (Music) A set of bells, often in a bell tower, sometimes operated by means of a keyboard (manual or…
carillon n. A tune adapted to be played by musical bells.
carillon v. To play a carillon.
INTHRALLinthrall v. Archaic form of enthrall.
LANDRAILlandrail n. The corncrake, Crex crex.
LANDRAIL n. a bird with a rasping cry, aka corncrake.
LINEARLYlinearly adv. In a linear manner.
linearly adv. In a straight line.
linearly adv. Sequentially in time; chronologically.
LINGULARlingular adj. Relating to a lingula.
LINGULAR adj. of or like a lingula, a tonguelike process or part.
MANDRILLmandrill n. A primate, Mandrillus sphinx, with colorful face and rump.
MANDRILL n. a large West African forest baboon, the adult of which has a bright red and blue face and blue buttocks.
RAINFALLrainfall n. (Meteorology) the amount of rain that falls on a single occasion.
rainfall n. The occurrence of liquid precipitation, the fall of rain.
RAINFALL n. a fall of rain.
RALLYINGrallying v. Present participle of rally.
rallying n. The act of one who rallies.
RALLYING n. the sport of driving in car rallies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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