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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, I, 2L, N and P

ALPINELYalpinely adv. In an alpine way, loftily.
ALPINE adv. related to mountains.
ANTIPILLantipill adj. (Not comparable) Preventing or countering the formation of pills on fabric.
antipill adj. Opposing the contraceptive pill.
antipill adj. (Finance) Opposing a poison pill.
LANDSLIPlandslip n. The sliding of a mass of land down a slope or cliff; a landslide.
LANDSLIP n. the fall of a mass of earth.
LANGSPILLANGSPIL n. (Norwegian) an old Shetland cithern, also LANGSPEL, LANGSPIEL.
NAUPLIALnauplial adj. Relating to a nauplius.
NAUPLIAL adj. of or like a nauplius, the larval form of certain crustaceans.
PAILLONSpaillons n. Plural of paillon.
PAILLON n. (French) a decorative metallic scale or spangle; specifically a small piece of bright metal foil, used in enamel work.
PALLYINGPALLY v. as in to pally up with, to become friends.
PAPILLONpapillon n. (Sometimes capitalized) A small dog of a certain breed having large ears.
PAPILLON n. (French) a breed of toy spaniel with erect ears.
PAVILLONpavillon n. Archaic form of pavilion.
PAVILLON n. (French) the bell of a wind instrument.
PHALLINSphallins n. Plural of phallin.
PHALLIN n. a type of fungal poison.
PINBALLSpinballs n. Plural of pinball.
PINBALL v. to bounce around like a pinball.
PINFALLSpinfalls n. Plural of pinfall.
PINFALL n. a wrestling fall which pins one's opponent.
PLAINFULplainful adj. (Archaic) Full of lamentation.
plainful adj. Plain; obvious.
plainful n. As much as a plain contains.
PLIANTLYpliantly adv. In a pliant manner.
PLIANT adv. easily bent.
POLLINIApollinia n. Plural of pollinium.
POLLINIUM n. a coherent mass of pollen, as in the milkweed and most orchids.
SPALLINGspalling v. Present participle of spall.
spalling n. The process of reducing (Stone blocks, etc.) to an approximately level surface by hammering.
spalling n. Any process that spalls a surface, or the damage that results from that process: spallation.
SPINALLYspinally adv. In a spinal manner.
SPINAL adv. related to the spine.
SPLENIALsplenial adj. Relating to the splenium, especially describing the pair of muscles, at the back of the neck, that move…
splenial n. Splenial bone.
SPLENIAL adj. of or like the splenius, a muscle of the neck.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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