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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, I, 2L, M and T

CALLTIMEcall␣time v. (UK) To announce the closing of a pub for the day.
call␣time v. (UK) To end something.
call␣time v. (Sports) To call a timeout.
CLIMATALclimatal adj. (Obsolete) climatic.
CLIMATAL adj. pertaining to climate.
MAILLOTSmaillots n. Plural of maillot.
MAILLOT n. (French) tights worn by a ballet dancer.
MANTILLAmantilla n. A lace veil of Spanish origin worn over a woman’s hair and shoulders.
mantilla n. A woman’s light cloak or cape made of silk, velvet, lace, or other material.
Mantilla prop.n. A surname.
METALLICmetallic adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of metal.
metallic adj. Made of or containing metal.
metallic adj. (Of a sound) Harsh, as if coming from two metals striking one another.
MILLTAILmill␣tail n. The water that flows from a millwheel after turning it, or the channel in which the water flows.
MILLTAIL n. the channel in which water runs away below a millstream, aka tailrace.
MISALLOTmisallot v. (Transitive) To allot or apportion badly or wrongly.
MISALLOT v. to allot wrongly.
MOLALITYmolality n. (Chemistry) the concentration of a substance in solution, expressed as the number of moles of solute…
MOLALITY n. the number of moles of solute per litre of solvent, also MOLARITY.
RAMTILLARAMTILLA n. (Bengali) a plant of the Indian subcontinent, cultivated for the oil pressed from the seeds, also RAMTIL.
STILLMANstillman n. The person who operates a still (device for distilling liquids).
Stillman prop.n. A surname.
STILLMAN n. one who operates a distillery.
TAILLAMPtaillamp n. A taillight.
tail␣lamp n. Alternative spelling of taillamp.
TAILLAMP n. a light at the rear of a vehicle.
TALLISIMtallisim n. Plural of tallis.
TALLIS n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLITH, TALLIT.
TALLITIMtallitim n. Plural of tallit.
TALLIT n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLITH, TALLIS.
THALLIUMthallium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Tl) with atomic number 81: a gray post-transition metal that discolors…
thallium n. A single atom of this element.
THALLIUM n. a rare bluish-white metallic chemical element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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