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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, I, K, L, N and T

ANTILEAKantileak adj. Preventing leaks.
ANTILEAK adj. preventing leaks.
ANTILOCKantilock adj. Alternative spelling of anti-lock.
anti-lock adj. Preventing something from becoming stuck or jammed. Especially applies to anti-lock brakes, which are…
ANTILOCK adj. designed to stop wheels locking.
AUNTLIKEauntlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of an aunt.
AUNTLIKE adj. like an aunt.
GNATLIKEgnatlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a gnat; tiny, insignificant.
GNATLIKE adj. like a gnat.
KALINITEkalinite n. (Mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, oxygen, potassium, and sulfur.
KALINITE n. native potash alum.
LANKIESTlankiest adj. Superlative form of lanky: most lanky.
LANKY adj. tall and thin.
LANTSKIPlantskip n. Alternative form of landskip.
LANTSKIP n. (Milton) landscape, also LANDSKIP.
NASTALIKNastalik prop.n. Alternative spelling of Nastaliq.
NASTALIK n. (Arabic) a Persian cursive script, having long horizontal strokes and rounded characters.
PLANKTICplanktic adj. Planktonic.
PLANKTIC adj. relating to plankton.
SKLATINGSKLATE v. (Scots) to cover with slate.
STALKINGstalking v. Present participle of stalk.
stalking n. The act of going stealthily.
stalking n. Hunting for game by moving silently and stealthily or by waiting in ambush.
TACKLINGtackling v. Present participle of tackle.
tackling n. The process by which something is tackled or dealt with.
tackling n. (Nautical) The tackle of a vessel.
TAKINGLYtakingly adv. (Dated) attractively; fetchingly.
TAKING adv. attractive.
TALCKINGTALC v. to treat with a fine powdery mineral.
TALKINGStalkings n. Plural of talking.
TALKING n. conversation.
TANKLIKEtanklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a tank (military vehicle).
tanklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a tank (container).
TANKLIKE adj. like a tank.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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