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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, 2I, M, N and R

ADMIRINGadmiring adj. Feeling or showing admiration.
admiring v. Present participle of admire.
admiring n. Admiration.
BINARISMbinarism n. A pair of opposites; a specific binary.
binarism n. Belief in, or a mode of thought predicated on, a binary; belief that something (for example, gender) is a binary.
BINARISM n. a mode of thought based on oppositions.
CRIMINALcriminal adj. Against the law; forbidden by law.
criminal adj. Guilty of breaking the law.
criminal adj. Of or relating to crime or penal law.
IGNORAMIignorami n. (Nonstandard, humorous, hypercorrect) plural of ignoramus.
IGNORAMUS n. an ignorant person.
IMAGINERimaginer n. One who imagines (something).
IMAGINER n. one who imagines.
INARMINGINARM v. to encircle with the arms.
MANUHIRImanuhiri n. (New Zealand) The visitors at a pohiri.
MANUHIRI n. (Maori) a non-Maori seen as a guest to a marae.
MARTINISmartinis n. Plural of martini.
Martinis n. Plural of Martini.
MARTINI n. an alcoholic cocktail a type of vermouth.
MERIDIANmeridian adj. Relating to a meridian (in various senses); meridional.
meridian adj. (Archaic except literary) Relating to midday or noon.
meridian adj. (Obsolete).
MIDBRAINmidbrain n. (Neuroanatomy) A part of the brain located rostral to the pons and caudal to the thalamus and the basal…
MIDBRAIN n. the middle region of the brain.
MIGRAINEmigraine n. (Pathology) A severe, disabling headache, usually affecting only one side of the head, and often accompanied…
migraine n. (Pathology) A neurological condition characterised by such headaches.
MIGRAINE n. (French) a severe headache, also MEGRIM.
MINIBARSminibars n. Plural of minibar.
MINIBAR n. a small fridge as in a hotel room.
MINICARSminicars n. Plural of minicar.
MINICAR n. a small automobile.
MINIMARTminimart n. A convenience store.
mini-mart n. Alternative form of minimart.
MINIMART n. a small supermarket, convenience store, also MINIMARKET.
MINIPARKminipark n. A small public park.
MINIPARK n. a small city park.
MISTRAINmistrain v. (Transitive) To draw (something) badly or in the wrong direction.
MISTRAIN v. to train improperly.
MORAINICmorainic adj. Pertaining to a moraine.
MORAINIC adj. of or pertaining to a moraine, also MORAINAL.
NIRAMIAIniramiai n. (Sumo) The staredown between sumo wrestlers before a match.
NIRAMIAI n. (Japanese) in sumo wrestling, a period of stamping and glaring to cow the opponent.
RIFAMPINrifampin n. (Pharmacology) US form of rifampicin.
RIFAMPIN n. an antibiotic.
URINEMIAurinemia n. Uremia.
URINEMIA n. an abnormal condition of the blood, also UREMIA, URAEMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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