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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, 2I, L, S and V

BOLIVIASbolivias n. Plural of bolivia.
BOLIVIA n. (Spanish) a soft fabric.
INVALIDSinvalids n. Plural of invalid.
INVALID v. to treat as an invalid.
RAVIOLISraviolis n. Plural of ravioli.
RAVIOLI n. (Italian) pasta in the form of small square cases filled with minced meat, vegetables, etc.
RIVALISErivalise v. Alternative form of rivalize.
RIVALISE v. to enter into rivalry, also RIVALIZE.
SALVIFICsalvific adj. (Chiefly Catholicism) Able or intending to provide salvation or redemption.
SALVIFIC adj. (obsolete) having the purpose or intention of saving, also SALVIFICAL.
SILVATICSILVATIC adj. pertaining to the forest.
SILVICALsilvical adj. Relating to forestry.
SILVICAL adj. relating to silvics, the study of forest trees.
VIDALIASVidalias n. Plural of Vidalia.
VIDALIA n. a sweet onion from Vidalia, Georgia.
VILIACOSviliacos n. Plural of viliaco.
VILIAGOSviliagos n. Plural of viliago.
VILLAINSvillains n. Plural of villain.
VILLAIN n. a malevolent evildoer, also VILLAN.
VIRELAISvirelais n. Plural of virelai.
VIRELAI n. (French) an old French lyric form in two-rhymed stanzas of short lines, also VIRELAY.
VISIONALvisional adj. Of or pertaining to vision.
VISIONAL adj. imaginary.
VITALISEvitalise v. To give life to something; to animate.
vitalise v. To make more vigorous; to invigorate or stimulate.
VITALISE v. to give life to, also VITALIZE.
VITALISMvitalism n. The doctrine that life involves some immaterial "vital force", and cannot be explained scientifically.
VITALISM n. the philosophical doctrine that life processes are not entirely explicable, or bound, by scientific laws.
VITALISTvitalist adj. Of or espousing vitalism, the doctrine that life cannot be entirely reduced to physical and chemical factors.
vitalist n. Someone who believes in vitalism, the doctrine that life cannot be entirely reduced to physical and chemical factors.
VITALIST n. one who holds to the doctrine of vitalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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