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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, 2I, 2L and N

ALLICINSallicins n. Plural of allicin.
ALLICIN n. a liquid compound formed from garlic.
ANTIPILLantipill adj. (Not comparable) Preventing or countering the formation of pills on fabric.
antipill adj. Opposing the contraceptive pill.
antipill adj. (Finance) Opposing a poison pill.
CLINICALclinical adj. (Medicine) Dealing with the practical management of patients, in practice#Noun at the point of care;…
clinical adj. Of or pertaining to a clinic, such as a medical clinic or law clinic.
clinical adj. Cool and emotionless; in a professional way, as contrasted with an impetuous#Adjective or unprofessional#Adjective…
DIALLINGdialling v. (British spelling) present participle of dial.
dialling n. (British spelling) Alternative form of dialing.
DIALLING n. the art of making sundials, also DIALING.
FLAILINGflailing v. Present participle of flail.
flailing n. A flailing action or motion.
FLAIL v. to thresh about.
IDYLLIANidyllian adj. Idyllic.
IDYLLIAN adj. simple and happy, also IDYLLIC.
ILLATIONillation n. The act of inferring or concluding, especially from a set of premises; a conclusion, a deduction.
ILLATION n. the act of inferring from premises.
KALLIDINkallidin n. (Biochemistry) A decapeptide kinin, produced in the kidneys, that causes dilation of renal blood vessels…
KALLIDIN n. a naturally occurring peptide, which causes contraction of smooth muscle and vasodilation.
MONILIALmonilial adj. (Medicine) Pertaining to or caused by a monilia.
MONILIAL adj. relating to monilia, thrush.
NAILFILEnailfile n. Alternative form of nail file.
nail-file n. Alternative form of nail file.
nail␣file n. A small file made of soft metal, or a board covered with fine sandpaper, for filing and shaping one’s…
POLLINIApollinia n. Plural of pollinium.
POLLINIUM n. a coherent mass of pollen, as in the milkweed and most orchids.
UNFILIALunfilial adj. Not befitting or proper for a son.
UNFILIAL adj. not filial.
VANILLICvanillic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to vanillin or vanillic acid.
VANILLIC adj. pertaining to, or derived from, vanilla.
VANILLINvanillin n. A chemical compound, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde, that is the primary constituent of vanilla.
vanillin n. Synthetic compound used as a substitute for the extract of the vanilla bean.
VANILLIN n. a white crystalline aldehyde having a burning taste and characteristic odor of vanilla, extracted from vanilla pods.
VIALLINGvialling v. Present participle of vial.
VIAL v. to put in a small container for liquids.
VILLAINSvillains n. Plural of villain.
VILLAIN n. a malevolent evildoer, also VILLAN.
VILLAINYvillainy n. (Uncountable) Evil or wicked character or behaviour.
villainy n. (Countable) A wicked or treacherous act.
villainy n. (Uncountable, obsolete) Ill-treatment, indignity, degrading or shameful treatment of someone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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