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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing A, H, I, 2N and O

ANTIPHONantiphon n. A devotional piece of music sung responsively.
antiphon n. A response or reply.
Antiphon prop.n. An Ancient Greek sophist who wrote several philosophical treatises (480 – 411 BCE).
CINCHONAcinchona n. A tree or shrub of the genus Cinchona, native to the Andes in South America but since widely cultivated…
cinchona n. The bark of these plants, which yield quinine and other alkaloids useful in reducing fevers and particularly…
cinchona n. (Medicine) Any medicine chiefly composed of the prepared bark of these plants.
GNATHIONgnathion n. A craniometric point, being the lowest part of the middle line of the mandible.
GNATHION n. (Greek) the tip of the chin.
HOMINIANHOMINIAN n. a manlike creature, also HOMINID.
INFOBAHNinfobahn n. Alternative letter-case form of Infobahn.
Infobahn n. (Dated, computing) The information superhighway.
INFOBAHN n. an information superhighway such as the Internet.
NIHONGASNIHONGA n. (Japanese) a Japanese style of painting, using bright colours and traditional images.
PANCHIONpanchion n. Alternative form of pancheon.
PANCHION n. a wide-brimmed, shallow vessel into which milk was poured and left to settle, so that the cream could separate, also PANCHEON, PUNCHEON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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