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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, H, I, M, S and U

AZIMUTHSazimuths n. Plural of azimuth.
AZIMUTH n. (Arabic) the angle a celestial object makes from due north, when measured in an eastwards direction along the horizon.
CHIASMUSchiasmus n. (Rhetoric) An inversion of the relationship between the elements of phrases.
Chiasmus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cicadellidae – certain leafhoppers.
CHIASMUS n. (Greek) the inversion of the order of corresponding elements of two parallel phrases, as 'do not live to eat but eat to live'.
HAFNIUMSHAFNIUM n. a metallic element.
HAHNIUMSHAHNIUM n. an artificially produced transuranic element.
HALOUMIShaloumis n. Plural of haloumi.
HALOUMI n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish of goat's cheese, also HALLOUMI.
HASSIUMSHASSIUM n. a radioactive element synthetically produced by high-energy ion bombardment.
HUMANISEhumanise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of humanize.
HUMANISE v. to make human, also HUMANIZE.
HUMANISMhumanism n. The study of the humanities or the liberal arts; literary (especially classical) scholarship.
humanism n. (Historical, often capitalized) Specifically, a cultural and intellectual movement in 14th-16th century…
humanism n. An ethical system that centers on humans and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity and…
HUMANISThumanist n. A scholar of one of the subjects in the humanities.
humanist n. A person who believes in the philosophy of humanism.
humanist n. (Historical) In the Renaissance, a scholar of Greek and Roman classics.
INASMUCHinasmuch adv. (Dated) In like degree; in like manner; to the same or similar degree; likewise.
INASMUCH adv. to such a degree, also INSOMUCH.
MISHUGASMISHUGAS n. (Yiddish) crazy or foolish behaviour, also MESHUGAAS, MISHEGAAS, MISHEGOSS.
QUALMISHqualmish adj. Affected with qualms; queasy, nauseous.
QUALMISH adj. sick at the stomach; affected with nausea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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