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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, H, I, L, P and T

CHALKPITchalkpit n. A quarry where chalk is found.
CHALKPIT n. a quarry of chalk.
HAPLITESHAPLITE n. a fine-grained, light-coloured igneous rock, also APLITE.
HAPLITICHAPLITIC adj. of or like haplite, a fine-grained, light-coloured rock.
HAPTICALhaptical adj. Alternative form of haptic.
HAPTICAL adj. pertaining to the sense of touch, also HAPTIC.
HOSPITALhospital n. A large medical facility, usually in a building with multiple floors, where seriously ill or injured…
hospital n. A building founded for the long-term care of its residents, such as an almshouse. The residents may…
hospital n. (Obsolete) A place of lodging.
OLIPHANToliphant n. (Archaic and historical) An elephant.
oliphant n. An ancient ivory hunting-horn.
Oliphant prop.n. A surname.
PATCHILYpatchily adv. In a patchy manner.
PATCHY adv. uneven in quality.
PHALLISTphallist n. Someone who practises phallism.
PHALLIST n. an adherent of phallism.
PHILAMOTphilamot adj. Alternative form of philomot.
PHILAMOT n. (French) a dull brown colour, also FILEMOT, PHILOMOT.
PHTHALICphthalic adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or derived from naphthalene or phthalic acid.
PHTHALIC adj. pertaining to, or designating, a dibasic acid obtained by the oxidation of naphthalene and allied substances.
PHTHALINphthalin n. (Chemistry) A colourless crystalline substance obtained by reduction from phthalein, into which it is…
phthalin n. (Chemistry) Any of the series of which phthalin proper is the type.
PHTHALIN n. a colourless crystalline compound obtained by reducing a phthalein.
PITHBALLpithball n. A ball made of plant pith, used in early experiments with electricity.
PITHBALL n. a pellet of pith.
ULTRAHIPultrahip adj. Extremely hip.
ULTRAHIP adj. extremely hip.
WHIPTAILwhiptail n. Any of many New World lizards, of the family Teiidae, that have long, slender tails.
whiptail n. A fish, the blue grenadier, Macruronus novaezelandiae.
whiptail n. (Uncountable) A leaf-distorting disorder in the cauliflower, caused by molybdenum deficiency.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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