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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, H, I, L, O and R

ACROLITHacrolith n. (Historical) An ancient Greek wooden statue furnished with a rupestral head and limbs.
ACROLITH n. (Greek) a statue with a wooden trunk and stone head and extremities.
AEROLITHaerolith n. (Chiefly historical) A meteorite.
AEROLITH n. a meteorite.
AIRHOLESairholes n. Plural of airhole.
air␣holes n. Plural of air hole.
AIRHOLE n. a hole for the passage of air.
FORHAILEFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
HAIRLOCKhairlock n. A lock of hair.
HAIRLOCK n. a lock of hair.
HALICOREhalicore n. (Obsolete) The dugong.
Halicore prop.n. (Obsolete) Synonym of Dugong (taxonomic genus).
HALICORE n. (Greek) the dugong, a manatee or sea-cow.
HALIEROVhalierov n. Plural of halier.
HALIER n. a former monetary unit of Slovakia.
HEROICALheroical adj. Heroic.
HEROICAL adj. courageous.
HORNTAILhorntail n. The wood wasp.
HORNTAIL n. a hymenopterous insect with a stout ovipositor, aka wood wasp.
KOHLRABIkohlrabi n. Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes, a variety of the cabbage, having a turnip-shaped edible stem.
KOHLRABI n. (German) a variety of cabbage.
LONGHAIRlonghair n. A person with hair longer than the norm, especially someone viewed as bohemian, non-conventional or a hippie.
longhair n. A person with a deep interest in the classical arts, especially music.
longhair n. A person considered to have excessively refined taste for the arts.
LOTHARIOlothario n. Alternative letter-case form of Lothario.
Lothario n. A man whose chief interest is seducing, usually women.
LOTHARIO n. a seducer of women.
OLIGARCHoligarch n. A member of an oligarchy; someone who is part of a small group that runs a country.
oligarch n. A very wealthy business owner who wields political power.
oligarch n. (Cosmogony) A protoplanet formed during oligarchic accretion.
ORCHILLAORCHILLA n. a red dye obtained from certain lichens, also ARCHIL, ORCHEL, ORCHELLA, ORCHIL, ORSEILLE.
ORICHALCorichalc n. Alternative form of orichalcum.
ORICHALC n. a gold-coloured alloy, also ORICALCHE.
ORPHICALOrphical adj. Orphic.
ORPHICAL adj. mystical, oracular, also ORPHIC.
RHODINALRHODINAL n. an aldehyde found in citronella, used in soaps and perfumes.
RHOPALICrhopalic adj. (Poetry, rhetoric) Having each successive word longer by a letter or syllable.
rhopalic n. A rhopalic poem.
RHOPALIC adj. each word being increased by a syllable.
SHOALIERshoalier adj. Comparative form of shoaly: more shoaly.
SHOALY adj. full of shallow areas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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