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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, G, O, 2R and T

ARROGANTarrogant adj. Having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt or disrespect for others.
ARROGANT adj. overbearing.
ARROGATEarrogate v. (Transitive, uncommon) To appropriate or lay claim to something for oneself without right.
ARROGATE v. to claim unduly as one's own.
GAROTTERgarotter n. Alternative spelling of garrotter.
GAROTTER n. one who executes by strangling, also GARROTER.
GARROTEDgarroted v. Simple past tense and past participle of garrote.
GARROTE v. to execute by strangling, also GAROTE, GAROTTE, GARROTTE.
GARROTERgarroter n. A person who uses a garrote.
garroter n. A person who strangles someone from behind.
GARROTER n. one who executes by strangling, also GAROTTER.
GARROTESgarrotes n. Plural of garrote.
garrotes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of garrote.
GARROTE v. to execute by strangling, also GAROTE, GAROTTE, GARROTTE.
GARROTTEgarrotte n. A cord, wire or similar used for strangulation.
garrotte n. (Historical) An iron collar formerly used in Spain to execute people by strangulation.
garrotte v. (Transitive) To execute by strangulation.
GRANTORSgrantors n. Plural of grantor.
GRANTOR n. the person by whom a grant or conveyance is made, also GRANTER.
GRATTOIRgrattoir n. Synonym of endscraper.
GRATTOIR n. (French) a scraper made of flint.
GYRATORSgyrators n. Plural of gyrator.
GYRATOR n. one who gyrates.
GYRATORYgyratory adj. Moving in a circle, or spirally; revolving; whirling around.
gyratory n. (UK) A large traffic roundabout with non-standard lane markings or priorities, or with buildings on…
GYRATORY adj. moving in a circle or spiral.
MIGRATORmigrator n. Any creature that migrates.
migrator n. (Computing) A computer program that helps move objects between locations, e.g. from a legacy system…
MIGRATOR n. one who migrates, also MIGRANT.
RAGWORTSragworts n. Plural of ragwort.
RAGWORT n. a common coarse yellow-headed composite weed of pastures.
REGRATORregrator n. One who regrates.
REGRATOR n. one who buys and sells in the same market, also REGRATER.
ROGATORYrogatory adj. (Law) Seeking information or evidence, especially from a foreign court.
ROGATORY adj. requesting information.
ROTGRASSROTGRASS n. soft grass, butterwort, pennywort or other plant reputed to cause sheep-rot.
TARRAGONtarragon n. A perennial herb, the wormwood species Artemisia dracunculus, from Europe and parts of Asia.
tarragon n. The leaves of this plant (either fresh, or preserved in vinegar / oil mixture) used as a seasoning.
TARRAGON n. (Arabic) a kind of herb, also ESTRAGON, STARAGEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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