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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, G, N, R, T and U

ANTIDRUGantidrug adj. Against drugs; advocating against drug use.
ANTIDRUG adj. opposed to illicit drugs.
ARGENTUMARGENTUM n. (Latin) silver.
ARGONAUTargonaut n. Any of several species of shelled octopods of the family Argonautidae (of which only the genus Argonauta…
argonaut n. An adventurer on a dangerous but rewarding quest.
Argonaut prop.n. (Greek mythology) One of the members of the Argo who sailed with Jason in search of the Golden Fleece.
ARGUMENTargument n. (Countable, also figuratively) A fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason.
argument n. (Countable) A process of reasoning; argumentation.
argument n. (Countable) An abstract or summary of the content of a literary work such as a book, a poem or a major…
ARMGAUNTarmgaunt adj. (Nonce word, archaic) Of uncertain meaning; perhaps describing gaunt or slender limbs.
ARMGAUNT adj. (Shakespeare) with gaunt limbs.
BURGANETburganet n. Alternative form of burgonet.
BURGANET n. (French) a visored helmet that can be fitted or attached to the gorget or neckpiece, also BURGONET.
CURATINGcurating v. Present participle of curate.
CURATE v. to act as a curator.
FIGURANTfigurant n. An actor or dancer in the background lacking an aural presence.
FIGURANT n. (Italian) a ballet dancer who dances only in groups, also FIGURANTE.
GAUNTREEgauntree n. Archaic form of gantry.
GAUNTREE n. a stand for barrels, also GANTRY, GAUNTRY.
GUARANTYguaranty n. (Law) An undertaking to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some contract or…
guaranty n. Something serving as a security for such an undertaking.
guaranty n. An assurance or guarantee.
GUARDANTguardant adj. (Heraldry, of an animal) Positioned with the body viewed from the side, but with the head turned toward the viewer.
guardant n. (Obsolete) A guardian.
GUARDANT n. a guardian, also GARDANT.
MATURINGmaturing v. Present participle of mature.
MATURE v. to develop fully, also MATURATE.
NATURINGnaturing v. Present participle of nature.
NATURE v. to give a particular, or a new, nature to.
NUGATORYnugatory adj. Trivial, trifling or of little importance.
nugatory adj. Ineffective, invalid or futile.
nugatory adj. (Law) Having no force, inoperative, ineffectual.
NUTGRASSnutgrass n. Any perennial sedge of species Cyperus esculentus or Cyperus rotundus, that has small edible nutlike tubers.
nut-grass n. Alternative spelling of nutgrass.
NUTGRASS n. any of various American sedges, also NUTSEDGE.
OUTRANGEoutrange v. (Transitive) To have a longer range than (another projectile or weapon).
OUTRANGE v. to surpass in range.
RUNAGATErunagate n. A deserter, renegade or apostate.
runagate n. A fugitive; a runaway.
RUNAGATE n. a fugitive, a runaway, a vagabond, also RENEGADE, RENEGADO, RENEGATE.
STRAUNGESTRAUNGE adj. (archaic) strange, in the sense of foreign, borrowed.
UPRATINGuprating v. Present participle of uprate.
uprating n. The assignment of a higher rating.
uprating n. An upgrade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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