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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, G, M, N, R and T

AGREMENTagrement n. Obsolete form of agreement.
agrément n. (In the plural, now rare) Pleasant qualities, charms.
agrément n. (Music, in the plural) Grace notes.
ANGSTROMangstrom n. (Physics) A unit of length equal to 10−10 meters (that is, one ten-billionth of a meter), approximately…
Angstrom n. Alternative letter-case form of angstrom.
angström n. Alternative form of angstrom.
ARGENTUMARGENTUM n. (Latin) silver.
ARGUMENTargument n. (Countable, also figuratively) A fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason.
argument n. (Countable) A process of reasoning; argumentation.
argument n. (Countable) An abstract or summary of the content of a literary work such as a book, a poem or a major…
ARMGAUNTarmgaunt adj. (Nonce word, archaic) Of uncertain meaning; perhaps describing gaunt or slender limbs.
ARMGAUNT adj. (Shakespeare) with gaunt limbs.
EMIGRANTemigrant n. Someone who leaves a country to settle in a new country.
emigrant n. Any of various pierid butterflies of the genus Catopsilia. Also called a migrant.
EMIGRANT n. one who emigrates.
FRAGMENTfragment n. A part broken off; a small, detached portion; an imperfect part, either physically or not.
fragment n. (Grammar) A sentence not containing a subject or a predicate.
fragment n. (Computing) An incomplete portion of code.
GARMENTSgarments n. Plural of garment.
GARMENT v. to dress in a garment.
MAGNETARmagnetar n. (Astronomy) A neutron star or pulsar with an extremely powerful magnetic field, especially those on…
MAGNETAR n. a type of neutron star that has a very intense magnetic field.
MARGENTSmargents n. Plural of margent.
MARGENT v. to provide with a border, also MARGIN.
MARTAGONmartagon n. The Turk’s cap lily (Lilium martagon).
MARTAGON n. a kind of lily.
MATURINGmaturing v. Present participle of mature.
MATURE v. to develop fully, also MATURATE.
MIGRANTSmigrants n. Plural of migrant.
MIGRANT n. one who migrates, also MIGRATOR.
RAGMENTSRAGMENT n. (obsolete) a catalogue; a document with pendent seals, also RAGMAN.
REMATINGremating v. Present participle of remate.
remating n. A second or subsequent mating.
REMATE v. to mate again.
SMARTINGsmarting adj. Painful, sore.
smarting adj. (Figuratively) Experiencing emotional pain or embarrassment.
smarting v. Present participle of smart.
TANGRAMStangrams n. Plural of tangram.
TANGRAM n. a Chinese geometrical puzzle.
TRAMMINGtramming v. Present participle of tram.
TRAM v. to travel by tramcar.
TRAMPINGtramping v. Present participle of tramp.
tramping n. The act or sound of one who tramps, or walks heavily.
tramping n. (Australia, New Zealand, uncountable) Walking in the countryside for pleasure or sport; hiking.
TRANGAMStrangams n. Plural of trangam.
TRANGAM n. a showy or worthless article.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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