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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 6 eight-letter words containing A, G, L, T and 2U

AUGUSTLYaugustly adv. In an august or awe-inspiring manner.
augustly adv. In a royal or regal manner.
AUGUST adv. stately, venerable.
GLUTAEUSglutaeus n. Alternative form of gluteus.
glutæus n. Obsolete form of gluteus.
GLUTAEUS n. (Greek) any of the three large muscles of the buttock, also GLUTE.
GUTTURALguttural adj. Sounding harsh and throaty.
guttural adj. (Phonetics) having a place of articulation towards the back of the mouth; in modern use, uvular, pharyngeal…
guttural adj. (Medicine, anatomy) Of, relating to, or connected to the throat.
JUGULATEjugulate v. (Transitive) To cut the throat of.
JUGULATE v. to cut the throat of.
OUTLAUGHoutlaugh v. (Transitive) To ridicule or laugh someone out of a purpose, principle, etc.; laugh down; discourage…
outlaugh v. (Transitive) To laugh louder than, surpass in laughing.
OUTLAUGH v. to surpass in laughing.
UNGULATEungulate adj. Having hooves.
ungulate adj. Shaped like a hoof.
ungulate n. An ungulate animal; a hooved mammal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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