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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, G, L, P, S and T

GALIPOTSgalipots n. Plural of galipot.
GALIPOT n. (French) the turpentine that exudes from the cluster pine, also GALLIPOT.
GLYPTALSGLYPTAL n. a kind of alkyd resin.
GOALPOSTgoalpost n. (Sports) One of the two vertical side poles of a goal.
goalpost n. (Sports, American football) The tall Y-shaped upright, now usually of fiberglass, at either end of the…
goalpost n. A rule or target that is "moved" (changed) unfairly; see move the goalposts.
PANTLEGSpantlegs n. Plural of pantleg.
pant␣legs n. Plural of pant leg.
PANTLEG n. the leg part of a pair of trousers or pants.
PIGTAILSpigtails n. Plural of pigtail.
PIGTAIL n. a single plait hanging down at the back of the head.
PLATINGSplatings n. Plural of plating.
PLATING n. a thin layer of metal.
SPALTINGspalting n. (Woodworking) Any coloration of wood, either living or dead, by fungi, which is considered visually…
SPALT v. to splinter.
SPANGLETspanglet n. A small spangle.
SPANGLET n. a sparkling bit of metal.
STAPLINGstapling v. Present participle of staple.
stapling n. The act by which something is stapled.
STAPLING n. the act of fastening with a U-shaped metal clip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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