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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing A, G, L, 2N and P

PANELINGpaneling v. Alternative spelling of panelling.
paneling n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of panelling.
PANELING n. material with which to panel, also PANELLING.
PANGOLINpangolin n. The scaly anteater; any of several long-tailed, scale-covered mammals of the order Pholidota of tropical…
PANGOLIN n. (Malay) the scaly anteater.
PLAININGplaining v. Present participle of plain.
plaining n. A lamentation.
PLAINING n. (Shakespeare) complaint.
PLANGENTplangent adj. Having a loud, mournful sound.
plangent adj. (Rare) Beating, dashing, as waves.
PLANGENT adj. having an expressive esp. plaintive quality.
PLANKINGplanking n. A series of planks; a group of planks.
planking n. The practice of lying face down with arms to the sides, in unusual public spaces, and taking photographs…
planking v. Present participle of plank.
PLANNINGplanning v. Present participle of plan.
planning n. (Uncountable) Action of the verb to plan.
planning n. The act of formulating of a course of action, or of drawing up plans.
PLANTINGplanting n. A plant (or clipping) that has been freshly planted.
planting n. The act of setting a plant in the ground for growth.
planting n. A plantation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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