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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, 2P and R

AGITPROPagitprop n. (Uncountable, also attributively) Political propaganda disseminated through art, drama, literature…
agitprop n. (Countable) An instance of such propaganda.
agitprop n. (Countable) An organization or person engaged in disseminating such propaganda.
BAGPIPERbagpiper n. One who plays the bagpipes.
BAGPIPER n. one who plays the bagpipes.
CRAPPINGcrapping v. Present participle of crap.
CRAP v. to defecate.
DRAPPINGdrapping v. Present participle of drap.
DRAP v. (Scots) to drop.
EPIGRAPHepigraph n. An inscription, especially on a building.
epigraph n. A literary quotation placed at the beginning of a book or other text.
epigraph n. (Mathematics, of a function) The set of all points lying on or above the function’s graph.
FRAPPINGfrapping v. Present participle of frap.
frapping n. (Nautical, usually in the plural) Rope lashed tightly over the rigging or other area.
FRAP v. to draw tight (as with ropes or cables).
GRIPTAPEgriptape n. Alternative form of grip tape.
grip␣tape n. Sandpaper with an adhesive on one side, used to provide added friction for skateboards, sports clubs and bats, etc.
GRIPTAPE n. a rough adhesive tape, as used on skateboarding equipment.
PAPERINGpapering v. Present participle of paper.
papering n. Wallpaper.
papering n. (Law) A technique of boycotting a judge by the Public Defender’s Office by filing a request for a different…
RAPPINGSrappings n. Plural of rapping.
RAPPING n. the process of loosening a pattern in a foundry mould.
TRAPPINGtrapping v. Present participle of trap.
trapping n. An instance of ensnaring something or someone.
trapping n. An ornamental covering or harness for a horse; caparison.
WRAPPINGwrapping n. The material in which something is wrapped.
wrapping v. Present participle of wrap.
WRAPPING n. a type of cover.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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