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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, 2N and V

ADVENINGadvening v. Present participle of advene.
ADVENE v. to be added over and above.
ANVILINGanviling v. Present participle of anvil.
ANVIL v. to shape on a heavy iron block.
AVENGINGavenging v. Present participle of avenge.
avenging n. The act by which somebody is avenged.
AVENGE v. to take retribution for, also VENGE.
BAVININGbavining v. Present participle of bavin.
BAVIN v. to tie brushwood into bundles.
DAVENINGdavening v. Present participle of daven.
DAVEN v. (Yiddish) to utter Jewish prayers, also DOVEN.
ENCAVINGencaving v. Present participle of encave.
ENCAVE v. (Shakespeare) to secrete, also INCAVE.
HAVENINGhavening v. Present participle of haven.
HAVEN v. to shelter.
INCAVINGincaving v. Present participle of incave.
INCAVE v. (Shakespeare) to secrete, also ENCAVE.
INVADINGinvading v. Present participle of invade.
INVADE v. to enter by military force.
NAVVYINGnavvying v. Present participle of navvy.
NAVVY v. to work as a labourer.
NOVATINGnovating v. Present participle of novate.
NOVATE v. to substitute a new obligation for an existing one.
RAVENINGravening adj. Voracious and greedy.
ravening adj. (Archaic) Subject to the voracity of a predator.
ravening n. (Archaic, literary) Predation (by an animal); voracious eating or consumption.
RAVININGravining v. Present participle of ravin.
RAVIN v. to devour greedily, also RAVEN.
VAGINANTvaginant adj. (Botany) Serving as a sheathe.
VAGINANT adj. sheathing.
VANNINGSvannings n. Plural of vanning.
VANNING n. a process by which ores are washed on a shovel, or in a vanner.
VAUNCINGvauncing v. Present participle of vaunce.
VAUNCE v. (Spenser) to advance.
VAUNTINGvaunting v. Present participle of vaunt.
vaunting n. Boasting.
VAUNTING adj. boastful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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