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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, L and 2T

AGLITTERaglitter adj. Glittering.
AGLITTER adj. glittering.
ATTAGIRLattagirl interj. (Idiomatic, colloquial) Used to show encouragement or approval to a girl, woman or female animal.
attagirl n. A cry of "attagirl"; an accolade.
atta␣girl interj. (Idiomatic, colloquial) Alternative spelling of attagirl.
BATTLINGbattling n. A growing fat, or the process of causing to grow fat; a fattening.
battling n. That which nourishes or fattens, as food, or feed for animals, or manure for soil.
battling adj. Nourishing; fattening.
BLATTINGblatting v. Present participle of blat.
BLAT v. to bleat, cry like a sheep.
CLATTINGclatting v. Present participle of clat.
CLAT v. (Scots) to scratch, scrape.
FLATTINGflatting n. (Australia, New Zealand) The practice of living, with others, in a flat.
flatting n. (Countable) A type of paint that dries with a flat (matt) finish; a coating of such paint.
flatting n. The process of applying a coating of flatting paint.
LIFTGATEliftgate n. (Truck equipment) A hydraulic or electric platform that installs onto the rear of a vehicle and which…
liftgate n. (Automotive) A closure at the rear of a vehicle, or rear door, that can be raised to access the back of a vehicle.
LIFTGATE n. a rear panel on a station wagon that opens upward.
LITIGANTlitigant n. (Law) A party suing or being sued in a lawsuit, or otherwise calling upon the judicial process to determine…
litigant adj. Disposed to litigate; contending in law; engaged in a lawsuit.
LITIGANT n. one who is engaged in a lawsuit.
LITIGATElitigate v. (Intransitive, construed with on) To go to law; to carry on a lawsuit.
litigate v. (Transitive) To contest in law.
litigate v. (Transitive, transferred sense) To dispute; to fight over.
PLATTINGplatting v. Present participle of plat.
platting n. (Archaic) plaited strips of bark, cane, straw, etc., used for making hats or the like.
PLATTING n. plaited braid, also PLAITING.
RATTLINGrattling adj. Lively, quick (speech, pace).
rattling adj. (Dated, intensifier) good, fine.
rattling v. Present participle of rattle.
SAGITTALsagittal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or denoting the suture on top of the skull which runs between the parietal bones…
sagittal adj. Of or relating to an arrow; resembling an arrow; furnished with an arrowlike appendage.
SAGITTAL adj. shaped like an arrowhead, also SAGITTATE, SAGITTIFORM.
SLATTINGslatting v. Present participle of slat.
slatting n. An arrangement of slats.
slatting n. The violent shaking or flapping of anything hanging loose in the wind, as of a sail when being hauled down.
TAILGATEtailgate n. A hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle that can be lowered for loading and unloading.
tailgate n. (Britain) The hinged rear door of a hatchback.
tailgate n. Either of the downstream gates in a canal lock.
TATTLINGtattling v. Present participle of tattle.
tattling n. The speech of one who tattles.
TATTLING adj. taletelling.
TEALIGHTtealight n. A small, typically circular candle encased in a thin metal cup, so that it liquefies completely when…
tea-light n. Alternative spelling of tealight.
tea␣light n. Alternative spelling of tealight.
TOTALINGtotaling v. Present participle of total.
TOTAL v. to amount to.
WATTLINGwattling n. An interwoven mesh of twigs; wattle.
wattling n. The act of making such a mesh.
WATTLING n. the act of making wattles by interweaving twigs etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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