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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, L, R and U

ALLURINGalluring v. Present participle of allure.
alluring n. The action of the verb allure.
alluring adj. Having the power to allure.
CINGULARcingular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the cingulum.
CINGULAR adj. ring-shaped, encircling, also CINGULATE, CINGULATED.
GLAURIERGLAURY adj. (Scots) miry.
GUERILLAguerilla n. Alternative spelling of guerrilla.
GUERILLA n. a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army, also GUERRILLA.
INFRUGALinfrugal adj. Not frugal; wasteful.
INFRUGAL adj. prodigal.
LAUGHIERlaughier adj. Comparative form of laughy: more laughy.
LAUGHY adj. inclined to laugh.
LIGATUREligature n. (Uncountable) The act of tying or binding something.
ligature n. (Countable) A cord or similar thing used to tie something; especially the thread used in surgery to…
ligature n. A thread or wire used to remove tumours, etc.
LINGULARlingular adj. Relating to a lingula.
LINGULAR adj. of or like a lingula, a tonguelike process or part.
OLIGURIAoliguria n. (Medicine) A decreased production in the volume of urine.
OLIGURIA n. scantiness of urine in proportion to liquid intake, also OLIGURESIS.
PLAGUIERplaguier adj. Comparative form of plaguey: more plaguey.
PLAGUEY adj. vexatious, also PLAGUY.
SINGULARsingular adj. Being only one of a larger population.
singular adj. Being the only one of the kind; unique.
singular adj. Distinguished by superiority: peerless, unmatched, eminent, exceptional, extraordinary.
SURGICALsurgical adj. Of, relating to, used in, or resulting from surgery.
surgical adj. (Figuratively) Precise or very accurate.
surgical adj. (Figuratively) Excruciatingly or wearyingly drawn-out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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