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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, G, I, 2L and P

GALLIPOTgallipot n. A small, glazed earthenware jar once used by apothecaries for holding medicine and ointment.
gallipot n. (Now rare) Someone who uses such pots; an apothecary.
GALLIPOT n. a small glazed earthenware jar used by druggists, also GALIPOT.
LANGSPILLANGSPIL n. (Norwegian) an old Shetland cithern, also LANGSPEL, LANGSPIEL.
PALLYINGPALLY v. as in to pally up with, to become friends.
PELAGIALpelagial adj. Synonym of pelagic.
PELAGIAL adj. of or pertaining to the sea, also PELAGIAN.
PELAGIAL n. an open body of water such as a lake or the sea, as opposed to the shore or the bed.
PILLAGEDpillaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pillage.
PILLAGE v. to plunder.
PILLAGERpillager n. A person who pillages.
PILLAGER n. one who pillages.
PILLAGESpillages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pillage.
pillages n. Plural of pillage.
PILLAGE v. to plunder.
PLAGUILYplaguily adv. In a plaguy way.
PLAGUY adv. vexatious, also PLAGUEY.
PLAYGIRLplaygirl n. The female counterpart to a playboy: a woman, specially a wealthy one, who devotes herself to a life…
PLAYGIRL n. a women devoted to pleasurable activities.
SPALLINGspalling v. Present participle of spall.
spalling n. The process of reducing (Stone blocks, etc.) to an approximately level surface by hammering.
spalling n. Any process that spalls a surface, or the damage that results from that process: spallation.
SPILLAGEspillage n. The process or action of spilling.
spillage n. That which has been spilled.
SPILLAGE n. that which is spilt, also SPILTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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