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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, G, 2I, L and O

DIALOGICdialogic adj. Of or relating to dialogue.
dialogic adj. (Of a literary work) written in dialogue.
dialogic adj. Of or relating to dialogism.
GLADIOLIgladioli n. Plural of gladiolus.
GLADIOLUS n. (Latin) a lilylike plant of the genus Gladiolus, also GLADIOLA, GLADIOLE.
GLOXINIAgloxinia n. Any of the three species of South American plants of the genera Gloxinia in family Gesneriaceae.
gloxinia n. Brazilian gloxinia (Sinningia speciosa), a plant species formerly classified in the genus Gloxinia…
gloxinia n. Creeping gloxinia (Lophospermum erubescens), in the family Plantaginaceae.
GONIDIALgonidial adj. (Botany) Relating to, or containing, gonidia.
gonidial adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the angles of the mouth.
GONIDIAL adj. pertaining to gonidia, algal cells in lichen, also GONIDIC.
INTAGLIOintaglio n. A design or piece of art which is engraved or etched into something.
intaglio n. (Printing) Any printing method in which the ink is laid upon the sunken parts of the printing form.
intaglio v. To engrave or etch using intaglio.
LIGATIONligation n. Something that ties, a ligature.
ligation n. The act of tying, of applying a ligature.
ligation n. The state of having a ligature, of being tied.
LOGICIANlogician n. A person who studies or teaches logic.
LOGICIAN n. one who is skilled in logic.
OBLIGATIobligati n. Plural of obligato.
OBLIGATO n. (Italian) a musical accompaniment of independent importance, esp. that of a single instrument to a vocal piece, also OBBLIGATO.
OLIGEMIAoligemia n. Alternative form of oligaemia.
OLIGEMIA n. loss of blood after haemorrhage, also OLIGAEMIA.
OLIGURIAoliguria n. (Medicine) A decreased production in the volume of urine.
OLIGURIA n. scantiness of urine in proportion to liquid intake, also OLIGURESIS.
ORIGINALoriginal adj. (Not comparable) Relating to the origin or beginning; preceding all others.
original adj. (Not comparable) First in a series of copies or versions.
original adj. (Not comparable) Newly created.
PIGNOLIApignolia n. A pine nut; the edible seed of a pine tree.
PIGNOLIA n. (Italian) the edible seed of nut pines, also PIGNOLI.
TAGLIONItaglioni n. (Archaic) A kind of overcoat.
TAGLIONI n. (Italian) a kind of outer coat, or overcoat.
VILIAGOSviliagos n. Plural of viliago.
VILLAGIOvillagio n. Alternative form of viliaco.
VILLIAGOvilliago n. Alternative form of viliaco.
VILLIAGO n. (Shakespeare) a coward, also VILIACO, VILIAGO, VILLAGIO, VILLIACO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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