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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, G, H, N, R and T

AIRTHINGAIRTH v. (Scots) to guide, also AIRT.
CHARTINGcharting v. Present participle of chart.
charting n. The act by which something is charted.
CHART v. to map out.
EARTHINGearthing v. Present participle of earth.
earthing n. The act or process of placing (something) in the earth; planting; burying.
earthing n. (Holism) The process of connecting with the earth’s energy, usually through bodily contact (e.g. walking…
FARTHINGfarthing n. (Historical) Former British unit of currency worth one-quarter of an old penny; or a coin representing this.
farthing n. (Figurative) A very small quantity or value; the least possible amount.
farthing n. (Obsolete) A division of land.
HEARTINGhearting v. Present participle of heart.
hearting n. Material used as fill between walls of greater structural integrity, especially in masonry.
HEART v. to hearten, encourage.
INGATHERingather v. (Transitive) To collect or gather in.
ingather v. (Intransitive) To gather together.
INGATHER v. to gather in, to harvest.
NIGHTJARnightjar n. Any of various medium-sized nocturnal birds of the family Caprimulgidae, that feed predominantly on…
night-jar n. Alternative spelling of nightjar.
NIGHTJAR n. a nocturnal bird with a distinctive churring call.
RATCHINGratching v. Present participle of ratch.
RATCH v. to wander, prowl.
STAGHORNstaghorn n. (Uncountable) The antlers of a stag when used to make handles etc.
staghorn n. (Countable) A staghorn coral.
STAGHORN n. a stag's antler.
THRANGEDthranged v. Simple past tense and past participle of thrang.
THRANG v. (Scots) to throng.
THRAWINGTHRAW v. (Scots) to turn, twist.
TRASHINGtrashing v. Present participle of trash.
trashing n. The act by which something is trashed.
trashing n. (US) Dumpster diving.
WRATHINGwrathing v. Present participle of wrath.
WRATH v. (obsolete) to make or become angry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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