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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, G, H, 2N and S

ANHINGASanhingas n. Plural of anhinga.
ANHINGA n. (Tupi) an aquatic bird, the water turkey or snakebird.
GNASHINGgnashing v. Present participle of gnash.
gnashing n. The action of something that is gnashed.
GNASHING adj. grinding.
HAININGShainings n. Plural of haining.
HAINING n. an enclosure.
HANDGUNShandguns n. Plural of handgun.
HANDGUN n. a gun that can be held and fired in one hand.
HANGINGShangings n. Plural of hanging.
HANGING n. execution by strangling with a suspended noose.
HANGNESThangnest n. A nest that hangs like a bag or pocket.
hangnest n. A bird which builds such a nest; a hangbird.
HANGNEST n. the Baltimore oriole, so called because its nest is suspended from the limb of a tree, also HANGBIRD.
HOUNGANShoungans n. Plural of houngan.
HOUNGAN n. a voodoo priest, also HUNGAN.
LANGSHANLangshan n. A chicken of any of various breeds supposed to have originated from Langshan in China.
Langshan n. A hill in Nantong, Jiangsu, China.
LANGSHAN n. (Chinese) a small black Chinese hen.
NIHONGASNIHONGA n. (Japanese) a Japanese style of painting, using bright colours and traditional images.
SHANKINGshanking v. Present participle of shank.
shanking n. (Slang) A stabbing with a shank (improvised weapon).
SHANK v. to hit sharply to the right, as a golf ball.
SHANTUNGshantung n. A heavy fabric, with a rough surface, made from wild silk.
shantung n. A fabric of some other material having the same characteristics.
Shantung prop.n. Alternative form of Shandong.
SNASHINGsnashing v. Present participle of snash.
SNASH v. to talk abusively.
TANGHINSTANGHIN n. (Malagasy) a Madagascan poison formerly used to test the guilt of someone suspected of a crime.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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