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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, G, H, I, L and R

ALBERGHIalberghi n. Plural of albergo.
ALBERGO n. (Italian) an inn, also AUBERGE.
GARISHLYgarishly adv. In a garish manner.
GARISH adv. glaring.
GASHLIERGASHLY adj. ghastly.
GHARIALSgharials n. Plural of gharial.
GHARIAL n. (Hindi) an Indian crocodile, also GAVIAL, GARIAL.
GRAITHLYGRAITHLY adj. (dialect) decent, orderly, also GRADELY.
HARIGALSharigals n. (Scotland, obsolete) The heart, liver and lungs of an animal.
HARIGALS n. (Scots) viscera, also HARIGALDS.
HARLINGSHarlings prop.n. Plural of Harling.
HARLING n. a scraping or small quantity of anything.
LAUGHIERlaughier adj. Comparative form of laughy: more laughy.
LAUGHY adj. inclined to laugh.
LITHARGElitharge n. Lead monoxide (PbO) a toxic solid formed from oxidation of lead in air, and used as a pigment.
LITHARGE n. a monoxide of lead.
LONGHAIRlonghair n. A person with hair longer than the norm, especially someone viewed as bohemian, non-conventional or a hippie.
longhair n. A person with a deep interest in the classical arts, especially music.
longhair n. A person considered to have excessively refined taste for the arts.
NARGHILEnarghile n. A large Oriental tobacco pipe wherein the smoke is drawn through water to filter and cool it.
NARGHILE n. (Persian) a hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe in which smoke is drawn through water by a long tube, also NARGHILLY, NARGHILY, NARGILE, NARGILEH, NARGILY, NARGUILEH.
NARGHILYnarghily n. Alternative form of narghile.
NARGHILY n. (Persian) a hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe in which smoke is drawn through water by a long tube, also NARGHILE, NARGHILLY, NARGILE, NARGILEH, NARGILY, NARGUILEH.
NARGILEHnargileh n. Alternative form of narghile.
NARGILEH n. (Persian) a hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe in which smoke is drawn through water by a long tube, also NARGHILE, NARGHILLY, NARGHILY, NARGILE, NARGILY, NARGUILEH.
OLIGARCHoligarch n. A member of an oligarchy; someone who is part of a small group that runs a country.
oligarch n. A very wealthy business owner who wields political power.
oligarch n. (Cosmogony) A protoplanet formed during oligarchic accretion.
RALPHINGralphing v. Present participle of ralph.
RALPH v. (US slang) to vomit.
RINGHALSringhals n. Alternative form of rinkhals.
RINGHALS n. (South African) an African snake that spits its venom, also RINKHALS.
THIRLAGEthirlage n. (Historical, Scotland) The right of the owner of a mill to compel tenants to bring all their grain to…
THIRLAGE n. (Scots) an obligation for feudal tenants to grind grain at a certain mill.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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