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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, 2G, R, S and T

AGGRATESaggrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aggrate.
AGGRATE v. (Spenser) to please, gratify, also AGGRACE.
BOGGARTSboggarts n. Plural of boggart.
BOGGART n. a spectre or goblin, also BOGGARD, BOGLE.
BRAGGESTbraggest adj. Superlative form of brag: most brag.
BRAG adj. first-rate.
GAGSTERSgagsters n. Plural of gagster.
GAGSTER n. one who writes jokes.
GANGSTERgangster n. A member of a criminal or street gang.
gangster n. A member of a professional criminal organization; a racketeer.
gangster v. To act like a gangster; to commit street crime or run a racket.
GARAGISTgaragist n. A French car mechanic or garage worker.
GARAGIST n. a garage proprietor or owner, also GARAGISTE.
GRATINGSgratings n. Plural of grating.
GRATING n. a network of bars covering an opening.
RAGGIESTraggiest adj. Superlative form of raggy: most raggy.
RAGGY adj. tattered.
STAGGARDstaggard n. A four-year-old male red deer.
STAGGARD n. the male red deer when four years old, also STAGGART.
STAGGARTstaggart n. A four-year-old male deer, identified by having three-pronged antlers.
STAGGART n. the male red deer when four years old, also STAGGARD.
STAGGERSstaggers n. Plural of stagger.
staggers n. Any of various diseases of animals that affects the nervous system, characterized by a lack of control of the limbs.
staggers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stagger.
STAGGERYstaggery adj. Staggering.
STAGGERY adj. given to staggering.
STAGGIERSTAGGY adj. having the appearance of a mature male.
STRAGGLEstraggle v. To stray, rove, or wander from a normal course and others of its kind.
straggle v. To act in a disorderly and irregular way.
straggle n. An irregular, spread-out group.
STRAGGLYstraggly adj. Spread around in a chaotic and disorganized manner.
straggly adj. Not arranged in a line.
STRAGGLY adj. irregularly spread out.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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