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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, 2G, L, N and R

GANGLIARgangliar adj. Relating to the ganglia.
GANGLIAR adj. pertaining to a ganglion, also GANGLIAL.
GANGLIERganglier adj. Comparative form of gangly: more gangly.
GANGLY adj. awkwardly tall and lanky, also GANGLING.
GANGRELSgangrels n. Plural of gangrel.
GANGREL n. a vagabond.
GARBLINGgarbling v. Present participle of garble.
garbling n. The act by which something is garbled or confused.
garbling n. The process of removing the unwanted substances present in crude drugs after drying.
GARGLINGgargling v. Present participle of gargle.
gargling n. The act of one who gargles.
GARGLE v. to rinse the mouth or throat.
GLAIRINGglairing v. Present participle of glair.
GLAIRE v. to coat with egg white, also GLAIR.
GNARLINGgnarling v. Present participle of gnarl.
GNARL v. to twist into a state of deformity, also KNARL.
GRAYLINGgrayling n. Any freshwater fish of the genus Thymallus or specifically Thymallus thymallus, of the salmon family…
grayling n. Other similar fish.
grayling n. A species of butterfly, Hipparchia semele, of the family Nymphalidae.
LAGERINGlagering n. The stage in the manufacture of a lager beer when it is stored at a low temperature for maturing and clarification.
lagering v. Present participle of lager.
LAGER v. to form a defensive encampment, also LAER, LAAGER.
LANGRAGElangrage n. Scraps of metal used to fire at an enemy in naval warfare.
LANGRAGE n. a shot consisting of canister containing irregular pieces of iron, formerly used to damage sails and rigging, also LANGREL, LANGRIDGE.
MALGRINGMALGRE v. (archaic) to show spite towards, also MALGRADO, MAUGER, MAUGRE, MAULGRE.
RAGGLINGraggling v. Present participle of raggle.
RAGGLE v. to cut a groove in masonry.
RAGINGLYragingly adv. In a raging manner.
RAGING adv. furious.
REGALINGregaling v. Present participle of regale.
REGALE v. to delight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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