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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, F, I, N, R and U

FIGURANTfigurant n. An actor or dancer in the background lacking an aural presence.
FIGURANT n. (Italian) a ballet dancer who dances only in groups, also FIGURANTE.
FRANCIUMfrancium n. The chemical element (symbol Fr) with an atomic number of 87. It is an intensely radioactive alkali…
francium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
FRANCIUM n. a radioactive element.
FRAULEINfraulein n. A young German woman.
Fraulein n. Alternative spelling of fraulein.
fräulein n. Alternative spelling of fraulein.
FRIULANOfriulano n. (Canada) A cow’s-milk cheese with firm pale-yellow flesh and a mild flavour, originating in Friuli, Italy.
FRIULANO n. (Italian) a cow's-milk cheese with firm pale-yellow flesh, and a mild flavour, originating in Friuli, Italy.
FUNFAIRSfunfairs n. Plural of funfair.
FUNFAIR n. an amusement park.
INFRUGALinfrugal adj. Not frugal; wasteful.
INFRUGAL adj. prodigal.
RUFFIANSruffians n. Plural of ruffian.
RUFFIAN v. to behave like a tough, lawless person.
TRAINFULtrainful n. The quantity contained in a train.
trainful n. (By extension) A large quantity.
TRAINFUL n. as much as a railway train can hold.
UNAFRAIDunafraid adj. Not afraid.
UNAFRAID adj. not afraid.
UNFAIREDunfaired adj. Not having been faired.
UNFAIR v. (Shakespeare) to deprive of beauty.
UNFAIRERunfairer adj. Comparative form of unfair: more unfair.
UNFAIR adj. not fair.
UNFAIRLYunfairly adv. In a manner that is unfair.
UNFAIR adv. not fair.
UNIFILARunifilar adj. Having or using only one thread.
unifilar adj. (Biochemistry, of DNA) single-stranded.
UNIFILAR adj. having only one thread, wire or fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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