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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, F, I, L, T and U

CLAFOUTIclafouti n. Alternative spelling of clafoutis.
CLAFOUTI n. (French) a dessert consisting of a layer of fruit topped with batter and baked.
FABULISTfabulist n. A person who writes or tells fables.
fabulist n. (Figurative) A liar.
FABULIST n. one who invents fables.
FAITHFULfaithful adj. Loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause.
faithful adj. Having faith.
faithful adj. Reliable; worthy of trust.
FAULTIERfaultier adj. Comparative form of faulty: more faulty.
FAULTY adj. imperfect.
FAULTILYfaultily adv. In a faulty manner.
FAULTY adv. imperfect.
FAULTINGfaulting v. Present participle of fault.
faulting n. Formation of a geological fault.
FAULT v. to criticize.
FAUTEUILfauteuil n. An armchair.
fauteuil n. The chair of a presiding officer.
fauteuil n. (By extension) Membership in the Académie française.
FILATUREfilature n. The process of drawing fibres into threads, especially the process of reeling raw silk from cocoons.
filature n. A spool or bobbin used for the above.
filature n. A place where silk is reeled onto spools.
FISTULAEfistulae n. Plural of fistula.
fistulæ n. (Obsolete) plural of fistula.
FISTULA n. (Latin) a duct formed by the imperfect closing of a wound.
FISTULARfistular adj. Tubelike; resembling a hollow cylinder.
fistular adj. Having tubelike parts of this form.
FISTULAR adj. hollow and cylindrical, like a pipe or reed, also FISTULATE, FISTULOSE, FISTULOUS.
FISTULASfistulas n. Plural of fistula.
FISTULA n. (Latin) a duct formed by the imperfect closing of a wound.
FLAUTISTflautist n. One who plays the flute.
FLAUTIST n. one who plays the flute, also FLUTIST, FLUTER.
FLUTINASflutinas n. Plural of flutina.
FLUTINA n. a type of accordion.
INFLATUSinflatus n. A blowing or breathing into; inflation; inspiration.
INFLATUS n. (Latin) a blowing or breathing into; inspiration.
SULFATICsulfatic adj. Alternative form of sulphatic.
SULFATIC adj. pertaining to a salt of sulphuric acid, also SULPHATIC.
TRAINFULtrainful n. The quantity contained in a train.
trainful n. (By extension) A large quantity.
TRAINFUL n. as much as a railway train can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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