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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, F, I, L and 2T

ANTILEFTantileft adj. (Politics) Opposing the political left.
ANTILEFT adj. opposed to leftism.
BOATLIFTboatlift n. The (often clandestine) transportation of a large number of people or amount of goods by boat, especially…
boatlift n. (Also boat lift) A mechanism for lifting boats from the water, or between water on different elevations.
boatlift v. (Transitive) To transport (A large exodus of people, etc.) by boat.
FATALISTfatalist n. One who maintains that all things happen by inevitable necessity; a person who believes in fatalism.
FATALIST n. a believer in fatalism.
FATALITYfatality n. The state proceeding from destiny; invincible necessity, superior to, and independent of, free and rational control.
fatality n. Tendency to death, destruction or danger, as if by decree of fate.
fatality n. That which is decreed by fate or which is fatal; a fatal event.
FILTRATEfiltrate n. The liquid or solution that has passed through a filter, and which has been separated from the filtride / filtrand.
filtrate v. To filter.
FILTRATE v. to filter.
FITTABLEfittable adj. Capable of being fitted.
fittable adj. (Obsolete) suitable; fit.
FITTABLE adj. able to be fitted.
FLATTIESflatties n. Plural of flatty.
flatties n. Plural of flattie.
flatties n. (Slang) Flat shoes.
FLATTINGflatting n. (Australia, New Zealand) The practice of living, with others, in a flat.
flatting n. (Countable) A type of paint that dries with a flat (matt) finish; a coating of such paint.
flatting n. The process of applying a coating of flatting paint.
FLATTISHflattish adj. Somewhat flat, in any comparable sense of the word.
FLATTISH adj. somewhat flat.
FLAUTISTflautist n. One who plays the flute.
FLAUTIST n. one who plays the flute, also FLUTIST, FLUTER.
LIFTGATEliftgate n. (Truck equipment) A hydraulic or electric platform that installs onto the rear of a vehicle and which…
liftgate n. (Automotive) A closure at the rear of a vehicle, or rear door, that can be raised to access the back of a vehicle.
LIFTGATE n. a rear panel on a station wagon that opens upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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