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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, F, I, L, O and S

AIRFLOWSairflows n. Plural of airflow.
air␣flows n. Plural of air flow.
AIRFLOW n. a flow of air past a moving vehicle.
AIRFOILSairfoils n. Plural of airfoil.
AIRFOIL n. part of an aircraft providing lift or control.
BIFOCALSbifocals n. Spectacles that have corrective lenses of two different powers; used by people who need both distance…
BIFOCALS n. spectacles with bifocal lenses.
COALFISHcoalfish n. Any of several blackish fish, especially Pollachius virens, a pollack, and Anoplopoma fimbria, sablefish.
COALFISH n. a dusky fish.
FASCIOLAfasciola n. (Anatomy) A band of grey matter bordering the fimbria in the brain; the dentate convolution.
Fasciola prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fasciolidae – certain parasitic trematodes.
FASCIOLA n. (Latin) a band of colour, also FASCIOLE.
FASCIOLEfasciole n. (Zoology) A band of minute tubercles, bearing modified spines, on the shells of spatangoid sea urchins.
FASCIOLE n. (Latin) a band of colour, also FASCIOLA.
FLOKATISflokatis n. Plural of flokati.
FLOKATI n. (Modern Greek) a handwoven Greek rug.
FOALINGSfoalings n. Plural of foaling.
FOALING n. the act of giving birth to a foal.
FOCALISEfocalise v. Alternative spelling of focalize.
FOCALISE v. to focus, also FOCALIZE.
FOILSMANfoilsman n. A person who fights with a foil, or thin sword.
FOILSMAN n. a fencer.
FOLACINSfolacins n. Plural of folacin.
FOLACIN n. a form of vitamin B.
FOLIAGESfoliages n. Plural of foliage.
FOLIAGE n. the growth of leaves on a plant.
FOLIATESfoliates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foliate.
FOLIATE v. to number the leaves of.
FORESAILforesail n. (Nautical, on a square-rigged ship) The lowest (and usually the largest) square sail hung on the foremast.
foresail n. (Nautical) A square fore-and-aft sail set on the foremast, but behind it, on a schooner or other similar vessel.
foresail n. (Nautical, on a sloop) A triangular sail set forward of the foremast: forestaysail.
FOXTAILSfoxtails n. Plural of foxtail.
FOXTAIL n. the tail of a fox.
FUSIONALfusional adj. (Linguistics, of a language) Tending to overlay many morphemes in a manner that can be difficult to segment.
FUSIONAL adj. relating to fusion.
JEOFAILSjeofails n. Plural of jeofail.
JEOFAIL n. (obsolete) an omission or oversight in a law proceeding.
LOAFINGSloafings n. Plural of loafing.
LOAFING n. the act of idling.
OAFISHLYoafishly adv. In an oafish manner.
OAFISH adv. like an oaf.
RIFFOLASRIFFOLA n. (colloquial) the use of an abundance of dominant riffs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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